Photo Credit: Jewish Press

The Torah was given at Har Sinai and again at the Ohel Moed and repeated in the plains of Moab. This is parallel to these three parts of man. At Har Sinai it is linked to the mind, in the Ohel Moed is it linked with the soul, and the plains of Moab corresponds to the senses of the body.

The intention is that Israel will be redeemed by the Torah in body and soul and mind to be entirely holy, and that the general correction will be over. But the Satan’s act succeeded – on Mount Sinai Bnei Yisrael made the egel hazahav, a sin of the mind. In the Ohel Moed, the sin of the spies took place, a sin of the soul that dwells in the heart. The plains of Moab, the sin of the daughters of Moab, which corresponds to the body.

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Yisroel Picker is a Social Worker and certified trauma therapist with a private therapy practice. He also writes and speaks publicly about parenting, communication, cognitive biases and child sex abuse prevention. He lives in Jerusalem with his wife and their five children.