Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Our morahs are where it all started. My earliest memories of school and Torah learning outside of my home are with my morahs. Decades later, it is still the tunes that they taught me that I use to recall all the basics from the months of the year to the parshiyos of the Torah. Morahs lay the foundation for our Torah lives and our success is their success.

I distinctly remember the first day of Camp Naarim learning groups when the rebbe went around the gazebo and asked everyone what yeshiva they went to and who their rebbe was. We always joked that you could tell who was from out of town in those days by whether they had a rebbe or still had a morah. Perhaps it was embarrassing at the time, but looking back, those morahs played, and continue to play, such a critical role in the success of the Jewish people around the world.


Morahs are our children’s guides as they develop their first experiences outside the home. It is not surprising, therefore, that “but my morah said it has to be done this way…” is one of the most sacred instructions in our home. Whether it is about how to dress for a school event, the details of an episode in the Torah or the correct tune to a song… morah is always right!

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Asher Yablok is the principal of Ohr Yisroel of Bergen County, director of Olami Together and a sought after Mohel at