Photo Credit: Jewish Press

There is only one thing we can do with darkness.

Light it up!


Since the darkest day in the past 50 years, I have seen overflowing light permeating from every Jew I meet.

There has been more chesed done, more tzedakah given, and more volunteer hours logged in the past month than any other month in modern Jewish history.

Hamas tried to tear us down, they tried to cast a darkness that would scare us away from our land.

But we told them no.

We will not run, we will not be afraid, instead we will unite and stand together as one nation.

In the past month DansDeals has given out more than 750 pairs of tefillin. That was made possible by donations from over 2,500 individuals uniting as one, to enable others to do more mitzvos for Eretz Yisrael.

May the merit of this powerful ohr that we have created bring us the safe return of the hostages and safety for our brothers and sisters worldwide.

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JJ co-runs DansDeals with his brother, Dan. He lives in Miami with his wife Basha, their son Carmy, and newly added triplets. He received rabbinical ordination and had just started Penn Law when he joined DansDeals.