Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Playfulness is not just for kids. Adults need to let loose, laugh and feel free. Playfulness releases endorphins, sparks creativity and helps keep relationships alive and growing.

Play is essential, regardless of age. It can add much needed lightness to a serious moment, break tension and bring people together.


Playfulness breaks us out of rigidity and lets us be ourselves.

Playfulness can turn the harshness of reality into something that is more manageable. It helps us to relax and regulate our nervous system which makes for better processing and coping.

Playfulness improves the quality of our lives.

Playfulness can look like laughing more (maybe even snort laughs or laughing to tears), letting go of self-consciousness and allowing yourself to dance or sing with your kids or partner, saying yes to more things, allowing yourself to be spontaneous with less worries, letting go of judging yourself, laughing at yourself more.

How can you be more playful in your life?

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Rachel Tuchman is a licensed mental health counselor practicing in Cedarhurst, NY with over 10 years of experience. She is a HAES (Health At Every Size) aligned clinician and is dedicated to promoting education on body respect and behaviors that honor our health. Rachel also does speaking engagements for schools, synagogues, and various community organizations.