The birth of a child is consistently ranked in surveys as one of the happiest moments in a person’s life. There is something magical at that moment, when a brand new life comes into the world. The meanings and lessons are endless, this child has their entire future ahead of them with unlimited possibilities. I was blessed to experience that feeling with my first born and again, times three, when my wife gave birth to triplets almost three years ago.

Watching the news can lead a person to think that all hope is lost for the future. Morals are degrading, the stories keep getting crazier, and everything seems backwards. But then I remind myself that no matter the culture, background, religion, or nationality, when a baby is born there is a bliss that transcends it all. And in my mind that bliss is the purest form of hope for our future.


There are many reasons the first commandment in the Torah is “Be fruitful and multiply.” Certainly, one of those reasons is because pregnancy, childbirth, and raising our children is the future we work for every day. The feeling that there is always hope and opportunity to grow and do what you love is something we can all strive for.

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JJ co-runs DansDeals with his brother, Dan. He lives in Miami with his wife Basha, their son Carmy, and newly added triplets. He received rabbinical ordination and had just started Penn Law when he joined DansDeals.