We see Rivka’s confidence when giving water to a stranger and his ten camels, inviting them to stay over at her family’s home, meeting Yitzchak and knowing right away that he’s “the one.” She’s confident when telling Yaakov to take Esav’s blessing as well as when she is adamant that Yaakov must find a wife in Padan Aram.
According to Midrash Tanchuma (Toldot 8), when Esav married Canaanite women, Yitzchak no longer received prophecy, as Yitzchak grew up in a pure home and never confronted idol worship before. Rivka, however, continued to receive prophecy as she was raised in a home of idol worship, so it had no effect on her.
After Esav found out that Yaakov tricked his father and took his blessing we read, “Esav said in his heart, ‘The mourning days for my father are approaching. I will then kill my brother Yaakov.’ Rivka was informed about these words of Esav, her oldest son, and she sent a messenger to call Yaakov, her younger son, and she said to him: ‘Behold, your brother Esav is consoled through you for he intends to kill you’” (Bereishit 27:41-42).
Bereishit Rabbah explains that through prophecy, Rivka was informed of what Esav said in his heart.
Rivka didn’t gloat to Yitzchak about the prophecies that she received. She learned from her prophecies and from her life experience about what needed to be done in order to insure proper continuity. Yitzchak had never been exposed to the cruel outside world that Rivka came from and she did her best to keep him as sheltered as possible.
May we all be blessed with Rivka’s confidence.