When I think of the word ruach, I am reminded of the creation of the world, and how it began with the ruach Elokim spread across the world.
The world was created in such a way as to conceal that ruach, and it is possible to feel far removed from Hashem, even while in His world. This challenge could be everywhere, but certainly true when outside Eretz Yisrael and far away from Jewish communities.
The Rebbe had a revolutionary vision of having shluchim all over the world, making yiddishkeit available everywhere, and ensuring that the ruach Elokim is felt in every place.
Living in Kentucky and educating young Jews on a college campuses and on social media can sometimes feel like a foreign or even hostile environment.
It’s crucial to remember that before Hashem created anything, before even light, the ruach Hashem was already everywhere, just waiting to be breathed into us, and empowering us to make that ruach felt by us, by all those around us, and to bring on the day when the ruach Hashem is felt everywhere with Mashiach.