Photo Credit: Jewish Press

I held my breath. A friend came in, scanned the room with her eyes, and announced, “She’s not in here!” before running off to look elsewhere.

Another friend followed shortly. The same scan of the room and retreat.


My hiding spot was good.

I had scaled the narrow shower walls and was ducking behind the curtain.

We were playing sardines, a version of hide and seek that has many players searching for one, and joining the hider in her hiding spot once they find her.

Only no one could find me.

I hung out there, suspended for a while, eager for someone’s surprised squeal of delight.

But it never came.

Eventually, I had to climb down and scamper off to find my friends to tell them where I’d been.

The real-life edition of sardines is even more challenging. Sometimes it feels impossible. Where is Hashem in the world?

I often find myself wishing, hoping, praying that the ultimate Hider comes out from His hiding spot, so all can make sense in the world. Until then, though, let’s not give up on the search.

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Sari Kopitnikoff is an experiential educator, digital artist, and the creator of @thatjewishmoment. You can find her books, games, and free packets on