Photo Credit: Jewish Press

This was the toughest word prompt to do. This is going to get a little meta here. Not only do I not drink schnapps very often; it’s not really a word that’s in my vocabulary. It feels like one of those references that seems to be losing its meaningl like “tape my show” or why the save icon is a floppy disk even though anyone under 25 years old doesn’t know what a floppy disk is.

I found out it was German, which checks out, considering I thought it was Yiddish and only something Jewish people drank during the haftarah with kichel and herring. They should probably put a warning on the label that says, “Drinking this may cause you to be more Jewish.”


With the way the world has been going, maybe more Jews would opt for some schnapps.

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Eli Lebowicz is a standup comedian. He did 90+ virtual shows during Covid, and is thrilled to perform live again, without having to stare at nostrils through a webcam. He’s a Levi, but doesn’t sing or play instruments, so in the Beis HaMikdash, he’ll probably be the guy taking temperatures. To book Eli for a comedy gig, visit