Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Semicha derives from “semach” to “rely on,” in the sense of “lean on,” or “to be authorized,” the literal meaning of semicha is “leaning of the hands.”

Before last week, this article would have gone in a different direction.


As soon as I hear the word semicha I think of support; as if you are “someach” on a person; you can rely on that person. So many of us are constantly looking for outside support, support of others, when true support should be coming from within oneself. One needs to understand that our inner selves are our G-dly selves. Our Divine spirit and true support is G-d support. We are again living in a time of uncertainty or perhaps we always did and we simply thought we had control. Nevertheless, the phrase “Let go and let G-d” is constantly ringing loudly in my head.

How does one improve their reliance upon Hashem? It often demands of us to seek spiritual strength, comfort, and direction through belief in a higher power. It’s not in thought alone; rather actual practices increase this awareness of G-dly sole support. Prayer is the greatest tool given to us to achieve this alertness. Last week I felt lost and was forgetting how to connect to my inner G-dly support. I felt my inner semicha was not heightened. Baruch Hashem, today I had a renewal! I walk the stress of Jerusalem with my Tehillim in hand and verbalize the words of King David. I feel connected to my Divine soul and slowly am coming to terms with being someach on G-d alone.

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Jordana Baruchov or better known as @Drinkitin_Jordana is a Middle school dean by morning... Associate Director of Mentorship for Olami by afternoon and Torah Influencer, motivational speaker, podcaster, Mother and Grandmother by night. Jordana inspires thousands with her positive outlook and everyday life lesson through a Torah lens with her Drink it in videos, Drink it in podcast or simply fun Carpool Reels.