Photo Credit: Jewish Press

As the war rages on in Israel, and Jews are being attacked worldwide, I made the difficult decision to not wear my tichel this week as I often do, and instead opted to put on my sheitel. Fearing for my life – yes, even here in the very Jewish city of Los Angeles – I have not wanted to take any chances. It’s clear that never again is now, and we are going through a Holocaust once again.

What am I doing to support my people is fighting the information war online, since I am a journalist as well as a publicist for Jewish business owners and pro-Israel activists? I am sending money to people in need. I am davening with all of my might and crying for the victims. As a convert, I’m informing my non-Jewish family about the facts surrounding what’s going on. For now, I’m doing my part. It doesn’t involve a head covering, but maybe I will soon gain the courage to put my tichel back on. I’m a scared Jew. But I am also, and will forever be, a proud Jew.

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Kylie Ora Lobell is a writer and the president of KOL Digital Marketing, a marketing and PR firm for Jewish organizations, authors, and influencers.