It’s no coincidence that this word prompt assignment arrived just as our family was choosing our Purim costumes.
The Hebrew word shevet has more than one meaning. The most common refers to the twelve tribes of Israel, often accompanied by the beautiful idea that, just as there were twelve distinct tribes, there are many unique and different paths to our Creator.
Another meaning of shevet is a staff – specifically, one used by shepherds to guide their flock.
This year, my family decided that a group costume was in order. After much discussion, my husband and kids settled on being sheep. Naturally, I wasn’t eager to shvitz in faux shearling, so I opted to be a shepherd instead. While I could easily put together an outfit, one thing was missing: a staff – a shevet – to help keep my little flock in line.
Each of my children has different strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. With Hashem’s help, they will all find their own individual paths. My role as their parent is to guide them as best as I can. Though they won’t follow the same footsteps as their siblings, a guiding staff is still needed to steer them in the right direction. Individuality is essential, but so are the boundaries that keep us from straying too far, not just from the path, but from each other.