Photo Credit: Jewish Press


Sometimes I get stressed out. Like really, fantastically stressed out. I am a mom of three; my girls are five and three years old, and my son is three months old. I run my own business and work more than full time. I also hang out with my husband, exercise, cook, clean, have a skincare routine – and oh, take care of our two dogs, three chickens, a cockatiel, and a South American red-footed tortoise, Mr. Tenenbaum. My plate is not just full – it’s spilling over.


However, I try not to give into my anxiety. My animal soul wants me to, while my spiritual self is able to see the bigger picture. When I am old, and my hair is silver or white or gray, I know that I won’t remember this stress. All I will remember is the happy times, and I will probably say, “I’d do anything to get back to that place.” I know that wisdom comes with age. I’m trying to have a little bit of that old soul wisdom at 36 while enjoying the moment and all the beautiful blessings Hashem has bestowed upon me. I hope you are too.

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Kylie Ora Lobell is a writer and the president of KOL Digital Marketing, a marketing and PR firm for Jewish organizations, authors, and influencers.