Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Slicha – it’s just one word that’s so hard, and yet so easy at the same time. It’s easy to say sorry, yet it’s hard to say sorry. When we were little and we had a fight with our friends, we were told by our teachers and parents to make up, say sorry, and move on. As adults, when we get into arguments you would think the same principal would take place. If we just say sorry, we can hug it out, make up, and move on with life. However, why is it so much harder as an adult to say sorry?

Why are we so stubborn as adults, who should know with so much more reason and logic, that if we just say sorry, we would be able to move on from arguments so much faster. This time of the year is our time to be able to say slicha. It’s the time to ask Hashem for forgiveness and to ask our fellow friends and family for forgiveness as well. It should be so easy; it’s only one word.


I always loved the book All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum. In kindergarten we learn how to apologize to our friends. So, this year let’s not make it hard to say sorry, let’s try and put our differences aside, not let our egos get in the way and let’s become better people who get along even if we don’t always see eye to eye. Let’s bring Mashiach, bimhara biyamanu, amen!

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Gabriel Boxer – aka the Kosher Guru – is a social media personality spreading the love of living a kosher lifestyle in a fun filled way, along with being an advocate of Israel and the Jewish people.