Photo Credit: Jewish Press

The media allege that President Biden’s aid to Ukraine as it battles Russia is risking World War III. As I see it, however, World War III has already begun, pitting the entire civilized world, including the United States, against Israel and the Jewish people.

British journalist Melanie Phillips says it succinctly: “We have to face without flinching what is now undeniable: There is a war across the globe raging against the Jewish people. It’s a war not just to destroy their national homeland but to drive them out of people’s heads, their conscience, and their world. Led by Muslims and the left, with its base in the universities, this war has extended much further than these circles into professional and commercial life.”


This should come as no surprise, considering the prophecies in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 and Zecharia 12:2-3 that in the end of days the entire world will turn against Israel in the War of Gog and Magog. (Christians have similar prophecies in the Book of Revelation.) All Israel News says that “[m]any pastors and Bible scholars believe that Ezekiel is describing a Russian dictator who will lead the attack on Israel in an alliance with the military forces of Iran, Turkey, Sudan, and several other Central Asian and African nations.” Such an alliance is already being built.

The first part of my statement about World War III, naming the entire civilized world, should be self-evident from the actions of the United Nations, the putative global parliament. Granted, the U.N. mainly represents governments – the great majority of which are dictatorships – rather than people. Nevertheless, to the extent that the U.N. speaks for the world, its overwhelming hostility toward Israel, and increasingly, the desire to extinguish the Jewish state, are undeniable. Consider, for example:

  • 146 of the 193 members of the U.N. have unilaterally recognized a Palestinian state with no specified borders, and the European Union is getting on board, most recently Spain, Norway, and Ireland (no surprises there). The new Leftist French government will be next.
  • On July 9, 2004, the International Court of Justice issued an opinion that Israel’s constructing a wall in the “Occupied Territories of Palestine” violates international law, and Israel is obligated to tear down the wall and make restitution for damages caused by its construction. As Avi Bell noted in an EMET (Endowment for Middle East Truth) webinar, this effectively means that Israel has no right to defend itself against terrorists.
  • South Africa, on behalf of the Palestinians, petitioned the International Criminal Court to find Israel guilty of genocide, and the ICC Prosecutor has issued arrest warrants for Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant, as well as for three Hamas leaders, thus equating Israel with real genocidal terrorists.
  • ZOA national president Morton Klein wrote in Israel Hayom that “U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres’ chief of staff notified Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan that Israel (along with Hamas) was being added to a ‘List of Shame’ appended to the U.N. Secretary-General’s report on Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC), shaming countries and armed organizations that allegedly have not taken adequate measures to improve the protection of children during conflict.” That the ratio of civilian to combatant casualties in Gaza is the lowest in the history of armed conflict seems to have escaped the world.
  • In the same article, Klein wrote, “It is the U.N. that belongs on the List of Shame – especially the U.N.’s largest agency, UNRWA – whose teachers and other workers participated in murdering and abducting Jewish civilians on October 7; bragged about their genocidal crimes; imprisoned hostages in their homes in Gaza; teach Palestinian children to murder Jews; and continue to store weapons and provide facilities for Hamas in UNRWA schools and other facilities.” In particular, the four hostages recently rescued by the IDF were being held by civilians, who fired at the rescuers and were killed. Reportedly, some of the “innocent civilians” the world is lionizing participated in the October 7 slaughter as well as taking hostages and selling them to Hamas.
  • Perhaps the most outrageous attack on Israel has been the near-universal condemnation of the raid that liberated the four hostages, ostensibly in reaction to Hamas’ claim of 217 civilian deaths, whereas Israel has confirmed 104 Palestinian casualties, every one of whom was either a terrorist or a civilian fighting alongside the terrorists. (It’s difficult to differentiate because Hamas terrorists wear civilian clothing, not uniforms.) That much of the world prefers to believe Hamas’ phony statistics rather than Israel’s true ones exemplifies the explosive growth of antisemitism.

Regarding the second element of my description of a new world war, “including the United States,” we are no longer the America whose U.N. Ambassador, the late Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan, condemned the “Zionism is racism” resolution adopted overwhelmingly by the U.N. General Assembly on November 10, 1975, which, though formally repealed in 1991, remains the unofficial policy of the U.N.

After Barack Obama was elected President in 2008, American policy toward the Middle East changed dramatically. As recounted by Front Page Magazine’s Daniel Greenfield in Barack Obama’s True Legacy, edited by Jamie Glazov, the Obama administration’s policy favored making Iran the dominant power in the Middle East at the expense of Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, and even Egypt and Jordan. And he pushed through the JCPOA, a political flimflam that purported to stop Iran’s drive for nuclear weapons while actually providing a clear path to that objective.

Examples of the American government’s hostility toward Israel include:

  • Israelis seeking green cards in the U.S. are being pulled aside at airports and subjected to hours-long interrogations about their service in the IDF, especially if they served in Gaza. This development hints that the Biden administration will accuse the IDF of war crimes.
  • The State Department’s newly issued report under the Elie Wiesel Act accepts Hamas’ exaggerated civilian casualty numbers and blames Israel. Even more ominous is the administration’s slowdown in arms shipments to Israel over the past four months, which led Prime Minister Netanyahu to publicly call out the President.
  • JNS reported on July 11 that “[t]he U.S. Treasury Department sanctioned five Israeli entities and three people on Thursday for what it said is support of acts of ‘violent extremism’ in Judea and Samaria…. On Feb. 1, U.S. President Joe Biden issued Executive Order 14115, sanctioning ‘persons undermining peace, security and stability in the West Bank.’ The order cited ‘high levels of extremist settler violence, forced displacement of people and villages and property destruction.’” It turns out that the administration gets its information about Judea and Samaria from anti-Israel NGOs, and in one case sanctioned the wrong man because he has the same name as a member of the Tsav9 group.
  • The Biden administration has joined the global clamor for Israel to accept a ceasefire that leaves Hamas in control of Gaza, leaves hostages behind, and accepts a Palestinian terror state in Judea and Samaria. As Daniel Greenfield has noted, this policy mimics the failed American approach to Iraq and, in particular, to Afghanistan, where we turned the country over to the Taliban, including $50 billion in military equipment and a modern air force base, with numerous Americans left behind. If the U.S. government wishes to commit national suicide, that is their business, but leave Israel out of it. Jews don’t commit suicide.

Going further yet, Zionist Organization of America president Morton Klein has reported that Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., made a speech to the Security Council on June 26 containing six lies:

  1. Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria are responsible for an alarming increase in violence against Palestinian civilians, when virtually every Palestinian killed was either engaging in terrorist attacks or caught in a crossfire between the terrorists and the IDF.
  2. The Palestinian Authority (P.A.) and its security forces work to maintain peace in the West Bank, when in fact the P.A. pays $400 million annually to terrorists who kill Israelis or to their families, and P.A. security police themselves have perpetrated or attempted 150 attacks against Jews in the last year.
  3. Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria violate international law, whereas Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, after studying the issues, concluded that settlements are lawful, as did President Reagan in 1981. Moreover, the Levy Commission, headed by a former Israeli Supreme Court Chief Justice, concluded that Israel’s recapture of the West Bank in 1967 after 19 years of illegal Jordanian occupation restored its status as part of the Jewish homeland as recognized by the Balfour Declaration and ratified by the League of Nations mandate granted by the San Remo Conference.
  4. Israeli settlements “weaken Israel’s security,” when they are really essential to Israel’s defense.
  5. The U.S. has done “the hard work of diplomacy,” when the actions we cited have undercut Israel.
  6. Thomas-Greenfield held Israel responsible for “catastrophic” humanitarian needs in Gaza, whereas outside observers confirm there is no famine. Israel is feeding enemy civilians, which is unprecedented in war; Hamas is stealing an estimated 80% of the supplies.

The current administration, as Carolyn Glick observes, has been trying for over a year to bring down the Netanyahu government and replace it with a center-left coalition that will take orders from our State Department. Glick asserts that Secretary of State Blinken ordered Gantz to resign from the War Cabinet in order to foment chaos; this is nothing new, since the U.S. has been funding and advising the Leftist demonstrators in Israel.

All this is an unfortunate consequence of Israel’s subordinating its national sovereignty to the U.S. in exchange for military aid, as reaffirmed in a memorandum of understanding with the Obama administration barring Israel from developing its own high-tech offensive capability. Over 50 years ago, CBS News commentator Eric Sevareid described Israel as “a ward of the United States.” Somehow a way must be found to break free of the shackles imposed by Washington, D.C.

EMET summarized the situation in its promo for law professor Avi Bell’s aforementioned webinar, “Israel Alone: The International Community’s Use of Lawfare Against the Jewish Homeland,” as follows: “As the United Nations, International Criminal Court, and International Court of Justice focus their efforts on demonizing Israel’s defensive efforts to protect its citizens in the wake of the 10/7 massacre, the Biden administration has either been complicit (in refusing to exercise its veto at the U.N. General Assembly and in fact submitting its own anti-Israel resolutions demanding an end to the Gaza war), or has aided and abetted such immorally reprehensible efforts.”

As for Iran, which is directing the worldwide campaign against Israel and the Jewish people, “the administration has been pressuring various EU officials to not issue sanctions against Iran in response to the IAEA’s finding numerous violations as Iran pursues nuclear weapons.” Moreover, by waiving sanctions against Iran, the U.S. is freeing up funds for Iran to finance terrorism against Israel.

What’s the result? The hostile atmosphere in Washington, D.C. has emboldened American supporters of Hamas to take actions ranging from an Arabic-speaking family assaulting a Jewish family at an elementary school graduation in Brooklyn (which the New York Police Department initially declined to label as a hate crime) to anti-Israel demonstrators obscuring their faces with masks and keffiyehs violently attacking Jews in front of Adat Israel, a Sephardic synagogue in the mostly Orthodox Jewish Pico-Robertson district of Los Angeles. Firsthand observations reported by Daniel Greenfield in Front Page Magazine and Ziona Greenwald in The Jewish Press confirm that the LAPD allowed pro-Hamas demonstrators to take over the sidewalk in front of the shul while forcing congregants to use a rear entrance; stood by while the crowd pushed, shoved, and attacked Jews with bear spray, bottles, sticks, and their sign handles; and made just one arrest for carrying a “spiked flag.” News media coverage described the event as a spontaneous brawl or violent clash with no blame assigned.

Elsewhere in Los Angeles, thugs chased down Jews and threatened Jewish residents. Community activist Sam Yebri and Mark Dubowitz, CEO of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, confirmed that city officials were warned in advance and ordered police to do nothing. Only after the fact did LA Mayor Karen Bass, who is closely tied to the antisemitic Black Lives Matter movement, Governor Gavin Newsom, and President Biden issue ritual condemnations. Multiple commentators described this episode as a pogrom. The Jewish Press headline on June 28 said it all: “From Coast to Coast, It’s Open Season on Jews.”

A news story dated July 1 reported that anti-Israel demonstrators pulled out three supporters of Israel, two Jews and a 79-year-old cancer patient, from the library In Asheville, N.C. and beat them severely. Other similar incidents are occurring practically on a daily basis.

With the change in policy toward Israel, Jew-hatred on America’s elite university campuses and within our ruling Democratic Party has increased. It remains to be seen whether Jewish support for the more pro-Israel Republican Party will be affected, although New York Post interviews suggest that a shift is underway.

In summary, as Mark Lewis has written recently, we are now entering a new Dark Ages, far darker than the one that followed the fall of Roman civilization, simply because the multinational corporations of Big Tech and the biological warfare laboratories the NIH has partly funded have given the evildoers infinitely greater powers than the Huns and Visigoths possessed. This supposition is supported by a recent book, Pagan America: The Decline of Christianity and the Dark Age to Come, in which John Daniel Davidson, a senior editor of The Federalist, asserts that America is inescapably entering a post-Christian era where citizens are reduced to slaves of a pagan empire. He cites human sacrifice, especially of children, as practiced by the Vikings and Aztecs to show how paganism is part of human nature.

Barring Divine intervention, which I still hope for, we are at the mercy of latter-day barbarians who despise Jews for serving as ambassadors for G-d and Torah, and equally for having provided the basis for Christianity, which they detest for interfering with their enjoying bloodshed, debauchery, and even pedophilia. (Islam gets a free pass because of its alliance with the Western forces that seek to destroy their own civilizations.) We can’t expect a political solution, as the Democrats, with some notable exceptions, have become our frenemies, while the Republicans, for all their vocal bravado, are largely cowardly lions.

Like our ancestor Yaakov when facing Eisav, we have a few options open to us: First, revive the Jewish Defense League; if the police won’t protect us, we have to protect ourselves. Second, do teshuva, perform more mitzvos, say more Tehillim and tefillos, show one another greater chesed, and remain hopeful. Ironically, the fact that Iran is on the verge of enriching uranium to the level needed to make nuclear weapons may indicate that their end is near. In the words of Tug McGraw, the ace relief pitcher for the 1969 and 1973 pennant-winning Mets, “You gotta believe.”

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Richard Kronenfeld, a Brooklyn native now living in Phoenix, holds a Ph.D. in Physics from Stanford and has taught mathematics and physics at the secondary and college level. He self-identifies as a Religious Zionist.