Wow! Did you hear that? – A huge sigh of relief from all the women who have finished putting away the last platter of food from Yom Tov!

It’s back to school, to hopefully, regular sleeping schedules and general bedlam in most frum households!

 It is also the time of year I start receiving requests for “Bubbie Tupperware’s” Chocolate Chip cupcakes.  They are guaranteed to soothe little mouths everywhere!  This recipe started out as a large round tube cake.  Since it was such a nice size cake, I adjusted the size of the initial tube cake into a bundt cake and had enough batter for about12 cupcakes.  One Purim, I changed it again to yield more than three-dozen cupcakes!  Bake it any way you wish, just adjust the time for cupcakes as noted in the recipe.
My most requested cake is always my Chocolate Bundt cake, which I also usually bake as cupcakes for Chanukah and Purim.  Upon reading some of my humorous stories in my cookbook, you will understand why this is so! 
When in a hurry, my Six Minute Chocolate is always enjoyed as a fast substitute.  My recipe for this cake was featured on The Rachael Ray Show last year.  You can find these recipes plus many more in my cookbook, Not Just A Cookbook.
Chocolate Chip Cake
4 eggs                           
4 cups flour
1 cup oil                        
1 ½ tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla                  
1 ½ cups orange juice (or non-dairy milk)
2 ½ cups sugar               
5 tsp. baking powder
1 cup chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease and flour a 10″ tube pan.  In a Tupperware “Thatsa Bowl,” cream the sugar and oil.  Add eggs, one at a time; add vanilla, mixing well.  Add salt, baking powder and flour to mixture alternately with juice. (If you roll chocolate chips in flour first, they won’t fall to the bottom of the cake during baking.)  Stir in chocolate chips and mix well.  Pour into pan and bake for 40-45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.  Cool completely before cutting.  Variation: For 36 cupcakes, bake for 20-25 minutes.  Or: Bake in bundt pan and you will still have enough batter for a dozen cupcakes!  Delicious plain or add your favorite icing. I usually freeze them first and frost them right before I need them.  I find it’s so much easier to put the icing on frozen cupcakes, than when they are freshly baked.  Freezes great, in Tupperware containers. 
Over 550 recipes and tips are featured in Rochelle’s humorous and entertaining cookbook, Not Just A Cookbook.  It also features many “multi-ethnic” recipes that were adapted for the kosher cook.  Rochelle’s book examines food around the year by month. What a great gift!  Check out for free recipes and to order your copy online, or call 718-258-0415 for store information.  Rochelle has been a Custom Kitchen Planning expert using Tupperware containers, for over 30 years. She is available for cooking demo events for fundraisers as well as Tupperware demonstrations.   Go to Call to find out about the super sales for fall! Special Book Sale – buy six get one free!

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