Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Yay for the summer! Backyard camps, grilling, and chilling sound like a great plan to me! These fun BBQ bourbon burgers will have your family devouring them before you can blink. I love using ciabatta buns to hold the burgers. They toast well and do not get soggy while you’re holding the burger.

A great side dish for the summer is grilled corn. I spread the corn with smart balance, some garlic salt and a dash of paprika or chili powder. The corn takes about 10 minutes to cook on the grill, and it is sublime. Enjoy this recipe and happy grilling! Have a safe and relaxing summer.


Yields: 6 burgers

1 package ciabatta buns
1 package of hamburger patties
Lettuce and tomato
Bourbon Garlic Aoili
Sautéed brown sugar and bourbon onions


Garlic Aoili:

1½ cup light mayonnaise
1 heaping tbsp honey
2 frozen garlic cubes
1 tsp bourbon


Whisk the aioli ingredients together. Slather on a toasted ciabatta bun.

Meanwhile, sauté three onions until browned.

Add 2 tsp. of light brown sugar and 2 tsp. of bourbon at the end until the onions caramelize and are dark.

Grill the hamburgers with some BBQ sauce and top with the onions and aioli.

Serve with a side of grilled corn. Enjoy!

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Follow Ashira @hubbyishungry on Instagram for more ideas and recipes.