Photo Credit: Jewish Press

With the summer fast approaching, I have decided to share with you my go-to easy salad recipe. I’m a little bored of lettuce salads, that’s why I love a tangy, crunchy red cabbage slaw. Crunchy salads go with anything and everything and are a great addition to your menu.

Cholent with red cabbage salad? Check. London Broil and red cabbage salad? Check. Roasted salmon with red cabbage salad? You get the picture. That’s why I serve this salad almost every single Shabbos!


The truth is, I first saw a version of this salad at my neighbor’s house. I asked her for the recipe and it included almost one cup of sugar (cloyingly sweet), a ton of oil, and the packet of ramen noodle soup seasoning (some MSG, anybody?) I politely thanked her and quickly came up with my very own dressing.

I like my dressings acidic and light. The problem is, I never measure. I just throw a few ingredients together and hope for the best – and it comes out delicious week after week. Since I decided to actually print this recipe, I knew I had to provide exact measurements.

After measuring precisely, I proudly put it all in a bowl and gave it to hubby. When I asked him how it tasted, he said, “Delicious! But it tastes the same way as you always make it…” And that’s exactly what I wanted to hear. #measure #don’tmeasure #thatisthequestion


Crunchy Cabbage Salad

2 small bags of red cabbage
½ bag slivered almonds
1 package of ramen noodles, crushed
1 bunch of scallions



A little less than ¼ c. apple cider vinegar
3 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. soy sauce
½ tbsp. ground dry mustard
¼ c. dark brown sugar


Mix the cabbage with the slivered almonds, crushed ramen noodles, and sliced scallions. Mix the dressing ingredients together in a small container and shake well. Refrigerate the dressing and pour on top right before serving. Enjoy!

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Follow Ashira @hubbyishungry on Instagram for more ideas and recipes.