Photo Credit: Courtesy
The author and her father.

Dear Dad,

These days I miss you more than usual. We are in the midst of a war and I could really use your gentle hugs and words of encouragement. This prolonged sense of uncertainty makes life in Israel feel very fragile.


I remember years ago when we were speaking on the phone, I was lamenting over certain opportunities that were available in America but not here. You were silent for a minute and then said “But Mickel, you live in Israel. You don’t have to do anything else.” You felt that that alone was a big accomplishment. You knew there was a layer of underlying stress that came with living in Israel. Now I feel that more than ever.

On challenging days, I close my eyes and I can feel your embrace which makes me feel safe and secure. I also can hear your words of encouragement constantly strengthening me, propelling me forward.

I asked you once if it’s hard for you that I live so far away? After all, I’m the baby of the family. I remember that you said, “My job is to help you become a strong independent woman and let you live your own life. I’m here to make sure you have wings and can fly.”

Dad, you gave me the beautiful gift that keeps on giving. Your supportive words and actions continue to accompany me especially during challenging times. How fortunate I was to have a father who was both warm and loving and strong and resilient – a father who gave me strong values and lived by example. I am grateful.

May you be a melitz yosher for Am Yisrael.

Michal Mauer Silverstein

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