Yolande Gabai Harmer: Israel’s Secret Heroine
Moshe Sharett, the head of the Jewish Agency’s Political Department, visited Egypt in 1945. In Cairo he met a most remarkable young woman, a beautiful journalist who was the darling of Egyptian high society - from high-ranking military brass, to culture icons and Muslim sheikhs, to the court of King Faruk.
Laurie Cardoza Moore: A Call For Justice
“I want to turn the faucet on and drip the truth to the people,” she says.
Dafna Meir: The Ultimate Jewish Mother
The thirty-eight year old mother of six, two of whom were adopted, no longer “enjoyed life,” as reported by her grief-stricken neighbors.
Lia van Leer: Grande Dame Of Film
It was Lia van Leer who changed the image of filmmaking in Israel so that it is now seen as an expression of culture and not mere entertainment.
Yehudit And The Miracle Of Chanukah
She approached Holofernes and, with a sword concealed under her robe, severed his head.
Asenath Barzani: Remarkable Hebrew Scholar
I never left the entrance to my house or went outside; I was like a princess of Israel ...
Rachail Morowitz: Building Bridges
The evening in Rachail Morowitz’s home was deeply moving and left a lasting impression of hope.
Devorah Halberstam: A Letter To An Amazing Woman
Over the years there has been no shortage of reporting about Devorah Halberstam, Ari’s mother. Even in Israel, thousands of miles from the Halberstam home, there have been frequent references in the media to Ari’s mother. Do you know why?
Miriam Eshkol: Extraordinary First Lady
During Eshkol’s tenure as prime minister, Miriam maintained her daily work as the Knesset librarian while taking an active role in assisting him in all affairs, political and foreign, and serving as his personal secretary.
Holocaust Heroines: Hilda Pistiner
When I first saw Hilda Pistiner I believed she was a German tourist. Later, when I met her personally and found out she was an Israeli born in Bukovina, I labored under a second mistaken assumption: I believed she had been a pioneer in pre-State Israel, her fresh youthful blond looks untouched by the Holocaust. How wrong have I been!
Fiamma Nirenstein: The Multi-Talented Jewish Diplomat
Their daughter Fiamma inherited the Zionist spirit and talent for writing from her parents.
Shira Leibowitz Schmidt: Multifaceted Scholar
Shira was a latecomer to Orthodoxy, having grown up in Lawrence, Long Island, where her family and most of the other members of the Orthodox Beth Sholem Congregation were not shomer Shabbos.
Yonat Daskal, Tal Shahar, Noam Dan and Tamar Bar-Ilan: Four Women Saving Jewish...
“On Sunday I was at the Kotel with the battalion and we said a prayer of thanks. In Gaza there were so many moments of death that I had to thank God that I'm alive. Only then did I realize how frightening it had been there.”
Rosalie Silberman Abella: Passionate Fighter for Justice
Justice Abella has achieved a number of "firsts" in her life.
Sarah Aynor: Matriarch Of Ethiopian Youth
This amazing woman was able to do this when there were five students, as well as quite recently when there have been as many as 270 students in the program.
Sherri Mandell: The Blessing Of A Broken Heart
How can one fathom the depths of a mother’s pain upon the brutal loss of her child? Sherri Mendell’s first-born son was viciously murdered near their home on May 8, 2001. How does a mother cope with the news that her spirited thirteen-year-old, while hiking in the neighborhood, was bludgeoned to death by rock-yielding Arabs?
Rachel Azaria: Yerushalmim – Jerusalemites
Who is Rachel Azaria? Would you have guessed that this dynamo is a religious, 35-year-old woman, mother of four children, ranging in ages from ten years to eight months?
March Of Life: Dorothee Haas
She held me in her arms and said, “I’m so happy! You’re Jewish and you’re Israeli, and you are my friend!”
Dr. Karnit Flug: First Female Governor Of The Bank of Israel
The State of Israel has truly reached the age of maturity. For the first time in 65 years a woman was appointed governor of the Bank of Israel.
Dinah’s Daughter: A Vital Link
This week’s parsha, Vayislach, relates a shocking episode that causes genuine outrage in the Israelite camp -- the Canaanite Prince Shechem’s brutal assault of Yaakov’s daughter Dinah.
Esther Pollard: A True Woman of Valor
Esther called their marriage "an oasis of unconditional love in a sea of lies and corruption.
Devora Omer: ‘Our Fountainhead Of Culture’
An enormous crowd of admirers turned up at her recent funeral. From members of government to those in the arts and sciences, all came to pay their last respects to the beloved author. Minister of Culture Limor Livnat expressed her deep sorrow, and called her "the greatest writer for children and youth in the history of Hebrew literature,” elaborating: “Devora Omer gave unusual expression to values of Zionism and made them an important part of our lives."
Yael Eckstein: Fierce Fighter For Torah Values
Any physical act can be transformed into a spiritual experience with the proper thought and intention.
Dr. Janan Faraj Falah: Winner Of The Jerusalem Unity Prize
They are known to form close-knit, cohesive communities that don’t allow anyone in, while fully integrating in their adopted homelands.
Hadar Cohen: Her Name Lives On
Two couples from different parts of the country decided to name their newborn daughters in honor of Hadar Cohen.
Women And The Message Of The Sukkah
Besides commemorating Israel’s sojourn in the desert, the mitzvah of sukkah has spiritual and educational significance. We are commanded to leave the comforts of our permanent home and move into a hut without routine luxuries, prompting us to reflect upon the spiritual aspects of existence.
Shari Arison: Doing Good
In addition to her great fortune, Shari Arison has a great Jewish heart.
Kolech: Promoting Women’s Rights In Orthodox Judaism
These developments brought about cooperation between Torah-educated women and a small number of rabbis who favor an egalitarian approach.
Hillary Clinton and Suha Arafat: ‘The Two First Ladies’
The question we need to ask is: How sensitive is the former First Lady to anti-Semitism?
Michal Fried: From Peduel To Montevideo
Michal had never been away from home. And now, she was going so far away, for so long – an entire year!