Notice I did not put any serving bowls or platters on the list. I guarantee that you will accumulate more than you could ever need, so there is no need to add it to your list now.
As buying the new couple an engagement gift and wedding present is standard etiquette, guests may ask what you need or your friends might plan a bridal shower. The very best way to make sure everyone’s money is well spent is to create a solid bridal registry working with your previously created list so that the guests will buy you the things you need. A discreet one-line notice on the bridal shower invitations is an appropriate way to let people know where you are registered.
When deciding on a store or website for your registry, keep in mind that not all guests can afford expensive gifts, but they will still want to buy you more than one 500 count pillow case. Choose a reasonably priced home-goods store that offers a range of prices, and preferably accepts coupons as well. If you are really craving a few luxury items that the regular superstore doesn’t carry, consider having two registries, so that people can choose what to buy based on the depths of their pocket books.
When creating a bridal registry using a store checklist, beware of the impulse to add more unnecessary items. It is easy to dump extra items in your cart on the off chance someone wants to buy them for you. But the reality is that it may make you seem a little… greedy, while not ensuring that your essentials will be bought. Take the time to make sure the items you need for your married home are actually on your list. Keep the list as simple as possible, as too many items are overwhelming for the average person to scroll through.
Remember, the most important thing is the atmosphere in the home, not how it’s decorated. Even if you are reduced to eating off plastic plates and washing up with paper towels, if you do it with a smile on your face, it will feel better than the finest china or softest hand-embroidered towels.
Very best wishes for a very best engagement!