Question: What are your hopes and wishes for the new year?



Off the bat, I hope that this year I will get married and have children. I also hope to continue down the path of cultivating my faith in God, which is the key to all spiritual blessings. I wish peace to all Klal Yisrael and that more Jews will take steps to make aliyah. I also hope for a positive change in our future president.

 — Chava Quist, veterinary medicine






My wishes are focused on Israel; I hope she emerges strong, with peace, and continues to be a beacon to people everywhere. I also want to spread the message of Jewish hope, as detailed in a book I wrote called Symphony on Fire: A Story of Music and Spiritual Resistance During the Holocaust, which celebrates the Jewish commitment to life and the triumph of the human spirit.

 — Sonia Beker, teacher and author




An end to personal and collective acrimony and a flourishing of ahavas chinam. I hope this will help bring about the coming of Moshiach speedily and in our time so that we can reunite with our loved ones in olam habah.

— Eli Chomsky, Jewish Press copy editor




I suppose a consolidation of everything I would want for the new year would be everything falling in its place and occurring at the right time. I also wish stability for Israel. Being that this is my senior year at Pratt I hope it will be a successful one that culminates in my getting a good job.

 — Elke Revasudin, self-employed




Israel should have a strong and successful army. I wish good health for everyone because once you have that, everything else falls into place.

 — Iris Katzner, food broker

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Ita Yankovich is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in various Jewish and secular publications. She also teaches English and Literature at Kingsborough College and Touro College. She can be reached at [email protected].