Question: Whom would you like to see as the next prime minister of Israel?


Ehud Barak. He was in office before and even though he failed, now he can return with more experience and know-how. He was obviously chosen for a reason the first time and now will be hopefully improved.

 — Yaffa Swed, store manager




Believe it or not, Tzipi Livni. Despite her leftist agenda, I think she’s the most qualified to put a coalition together. The other candidates don’t impress me — especially Barak, who had a hand in starting the negotiations to divide Jerusalem during the Clinton administration.

 — Yossi Friedman, student




Benjamin Netanyahu. Jerusalem cannot be divided, and out of all the candidates I feel Netanyahu is the most hard line on this. He has a great command of the English language, is a good public speaker and I think he really tries hard to keep the Jewish state Jewish.

 — Reuben Stroh, student




I must admit that I need to more fully look into all the interested parties, but for now I don’t like any of the main contenders. I think they are all corrupt on some level.

 — Yanky Davis, project manager

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Ita Yankovich is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in various Jewish and secular publications. She also teaches English and Literature at Kingsborough College and Touro College. She can be reached at [email protected].