Question: Have you encountered any hostility from family or friends for attending college?



No. There was and still is no resentment from my family or others for attending college. They understand why I have enrolled and my views on furthering my education to secure a stable future. I even received the blessings of my rosh yeshiva.

Itschak Krakaur



No. I can’t speak for other yeshivish boys who attend or want to attend college, but I know that in my particular Orthodox circle and in my family upbringing, college was always part of the plan. It is understood that attending college is a good step in bettering oneself educationally and professionally. This is not something that’s looked down upon at all.

– Meir Doblin


Yes and no. Some of the people in my life who gravitate more to the right did have questions and concerns on how comfortable I would be mixing my religious studies with secular studies. I find that if they see that I’m fine with the coexistence of the two, then so are they.

– Izick Vizel


No. In my family you have two directions, two options, to choose after high school – beis medrash or college. Fortunately for me, they see the positive elements in both worlds.

Shlomo Magen

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Ita Yankovich is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in various Jewish and secular publications. She also teaches English and Literature at Kingsborough College and Touro College. She can be reached at [email protected].