I can’t talk clearly
I slur my words
I cannot walk
And often drool
My friend,
Am I different from you?



I’m slow in school
I can’t run fast
I flap my hands
And bite them too
I can’t feed myself
And can’t chew my food
My friend,
Am I different from you?


I cannot read
I sometimes yell
I spin in circles
And roll my eyes
I can’t stay focused
And stare in to space,
My friend,
Am I different from you?


I love to laugh
I love to dream
I love my friends
And family
I’ve had days when I’m happy
Days when I’m sad
Days of pure fun
And days of pure pain
I love to smile
And be smiled at too
I yearn to belong
I yearn to be loved
To share
To care
And be a part too
Just like you.
Just like you
I too have a soul
A soul that is G-dly
Just like you.
Now my friend
I ask you,
Am I different from you?

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