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Yet I make no sound,
I will to scream, yell,
and crush the world,
in my small hands,
Yet I stand there, silently,
scared someone may hear me, w
eeping, like a little girl,
I feel as though everything is gone,
and I am alone,
the last to survive,
Yet people walk by, casually,
as though nothing has happened,
I bravely leave my hiding place,
checking if anyone is near,
I quickly wash my face,
tears gone, make-up reapplied,
I look as any other girl in the street,
I look like everyone else,
I open the door to the world,
Surprised to see nothing has changed,
the sun still shines, brighter than ever,
people chatting, cars speeding by,
It finally hits me,
the world cries to it’s own problems,
and my issues,
they’re just another candy wrapper,
in a gutter,
forgotten, and nowhere to be seen



This poem was originally posted on, an online magazine for Jewish teen girls to speak their mind. Check out the site and read more articles and poetry submitted by girls worldwide who made the choice to use their voice.

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