Telepathy Coming Our Way?
All participants wore electroencephalography caps. Sounds like a mouthful? It’s actually just a cap that picks up electrical activity.
Etsy Change May Deal Blow To Mom-and-Pop Shops
Internal company research suggests that customers are 20 percent more likely to complete a transaction when shipping is free.
Edible Water Pouches
Takeout containers are usually made out of plastic, but Notpla is working to make a waterproof, greaseproof – and compostable – alternative.
What’s The Future Of Social Shopping?
Despite its potential, though, social shopping has some glaring limitations.
Smart Toys To Raise Smart Kids
This is a great coding and robotics toy for budding STEM enthusiasts. The kit comes with two motors and one sensor and the possibility to build up to six pre-designed robots.
How Apple Made Me A Better Jew
Over the past few weeks, I've become an improved Jew. I learn more, say more brachos, bench more, and didn't have a problem remembering the day in the Omer. I haven't been to Israel recently, didn't have a near death experience that reawakened my spiritual side, nor did I feel empty in my life and decided I needed to search for more meaning. So what caused this recent growth spurt in my Judaism? I got an iPod touch.
Banning Political Ads – Good or Bad Policy?
On the whole, leading Democrats seemed to support Dorsey’s decision while some Republicans, specifically President Trump and his supporters, pushed back against it.
What I Wish My Parents Knew
I spoke to six high school students to hear what they wished their parents and teachers knew about their Internet usage.
Electronics Today
In an effort to broaden its Internet services, Nokia has recently acquired Plazes, a popular website, is used to share social activities. This acquisition is one of the few ones Nokia has recently initiated in an effort to boost its online presence. Nokia is the worlds biggest cell phone company.
The Woman Behind
One of Bloom’s first guests as a newlywed was a woman who explained that, although she would love to keep taharas hamisphacha, the calculations confused her, and ultimately prevented her from keeping the mitzvah properly.
Campaigning During A Pandemic
Campaigns are also resorting more to e-mail blasts and text messages. These forms of communication are helpful in collecting small donations, but too many digital messages can result in voter fatigue or – worse – can cause voters to unsubscribe.
Ready For A Sound Bubble?
It almost feels like a concept straight out of a sci-fi movie. According to Noveto, SoundBeamer 1.0 gives you a private listening experience by creating a personal sound bubble around you.
Welcome: The World’s First ‘Virtual Reality’ Laptop
It goes without saying that the augmented and virtual reality effects of the zSpace laptop are ground-breaking.
How About An Internet Vacation?
Unfortunately, in today’s fast-paced society, it has become increasingly difficult to disconnect. And yet, for many, easing up on Internet usage in the summer is the only way to truly relax and prevent burnout.
Driverless Trucks Coming Your Way?
The company claims it can reduce average purchased transportation costs by 30 percent, and it has secured some of the most coveted customers in the industry.
Samsung’s New Fold and Galaxy S10 Lineup
With this new array of different yet similar phones, Samsung fans might be wondering which one is best to order.
Is Christopher Reeve’s Dream Coming True?
Unlike those of previous studies, Courtine’s stimulations only targeted the precise location of the movement.
Top 12 Must-Have Free Jewish Apps (Part I)
Some of the apps on this list have already gained prominence in the mainstream Jewish world. Others are still relatively new.
As Easy As Aleph, Bet, Gimmel
A few weeks ago my two-year-old daughter was showing my 85-year-old grandmother how to work an iPod touch. I’m not sure if my bubbie was more amazed with the device or with the fact that her great-granddaughter understood it better than her.
Women Supporting Women Entrepreneurs
While in the secular world, one can find women-only tech associations, Zafrir notes such organizations do not exist for Orthodox women in Israel, and many people from outside the community believe the organizations servicing both frum male and female entrepreneurs are enough.
Tales Of A Software Developer
The popularity of tech jobs in the frum community has increased exponentially. Tech jobs tend to pay well, and at times allow for remote work or a more flexible work schedule.
Best Chore And Homework Apps For Children
For some parents, motivating their children and organizing routines and household chores is second nature. Others find it more challenging.
Which Tech Position Is Right For Me?
Many religious women are starting to go into software development – and for good reason.
Engineers Of The Future
Covid-19 accelerated the trend towards a more virtual society, and many companies that hadn’t put resources into creating a strong online presence in the past are reconsidering their strategy.
TikTok: The Social Media Platform Kids Are On
The fascinating thing about TikTok is that it’s a social platform that has nothing to do with one’s social network.
Self-Powered Pacemakers?
Unfortunately, the battery-free pacemaker is not ready to be used on humans just yet.
AI: The New Interviewer
While AI has shown itself to be great at analyzing concrete data points, it can’t necessarily predict future social outcomes like success at a job or company fit.
Must-Have Travel Apps
Some of these apps only provide service to specific locations; hence, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with them before your trip to ensure they can be of use to you at your destination.
From Feet To Amot: A New Jewish Units App
During my yearly visits to Australia to visit my wife’s family, I must endure the brutal calculations involved in switching from the imperfect Imperial system to the maligned-by-Americans (but clearly more efficient) Metric system. Pounds become kilos, Fahrenheit becomes Celsius, and feet become meters. Calculations are involved every day – and I don’t have a mind for numbers.
Behind The Shabbos Oven
At times, there may be some disagreement between Rabbonim when dealing with complex halachos. In those cases, OU Technology always goes with the strict opinion.