Title: Guide To Jewish New York City
Author: Oscar Israelowitz
Publisher: Israelowitz Publishing, Brooklyn, N.Y.



Oscar Israelowitz has outdone himself with the recently published, entirely updated guide to Jewish sights, sounds and fragrances of interest in all of New York City. This book covers not only Manhattan, but all the five boroughs.

This new beautifully-bound paper-back edition has two hundred fifty pages crammed full of sightseeing and in-town day-trip ideas, as well comprehensive listing of synagogues, kosher restaurants and bakeries, mikvaot, Jewish stores and shopping, museums and cultural attractions as well as unusual points of Jewish interest in familiar settings.

Did you know that there is a carved figure of Cass Gilbert, the designer of the Woolworth building, as well as ones of Louis Horowitz, the builder, and Gunvald Aus, the steel engineer – all of them Jews – in the three-story Atrium lobby? Did you known that Alexander Hamilton, who had Jewish ancestors, is buried in the Trinity Church graveyard in the Wall Street area?

This is one of a series of travelogues which include the famous United States Jewish Travel Guide, available in most Judaica bookshops, Guide to Jewish Europe, Synagogues of The United States, Brooklyn The Way It Was (a collection of historic photographs of old Brooklyn), and numerous others.

A trained and certified architect and geologist, Oscar Israelowitz has turned his avocation of sightseeing and day-tripping into a vocation. He widely lectures and conducts guided tours of neighborhoods and researches and writes about the fascinating Jewish history of communities throughout the tri-state area.

For more information, see Oscar’s website: www.israelowitzpublishing.com, or email to him at: [email protected].

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