Title: Noah’s Family Carousel

Author: Yaacov Peterseil

Illustrator: Cecilia Tomaselli

Publisher: Simcha Publishing



A family affair, this is a book to get your hands on – literally! Your family can join Noah’s as you read about how they cared for the zoo within the ark on their 40-day and night journey.


This sturdy spiral-bound book of laminated, thick cardboard pages is colorful and the simply worded text can provoke thoughtful discussions and imaginative efforts. After all, curious minds will want to know, “How DID those mortal humans care for wild, stinging, biting, loud and smelly animals in a limited amount of space and no cross breezes? And why didn’t the animals attack each other?”


As the older siblings or adults in a child’s life help him or her to read the story, they can assist with the construction of the carousel in the title. The book’s pages are designed to be connected to each other. Forming a carousel that turns around, the story becomes a bird’s eye view of animal care. Now that’s a powerful way to look at a situation. And a source for giggles if you want to think about Hashem in a child-friendly way.


A sweet tome for educating developing minds, Noah’s Family Carousel makes a lovely gift for little ones and can be a much appreciated home library addition for newly observant families. Little fingers improving their fine motor skills can handle this book without harming its special design. A stepping-stone to simple fun and pleasant family chatter, it belongs in pre-schools, children’s libraries and homes.

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Yocheved Golani is the author of highly acclaimed "It's MY Crisis! And I'll Cry If I Need To: EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge" (http://booklocker.com/books/3067.html). It addresses and solves many needs of disabled, ill and recovering readers.