Photo Credit: Flash90
Residents of Netivot in southern Israel examine the damage from a Hamas rocket, January 16, 2024.

A heavy volley of some 50 Rockets was fired at the town of Netivot Tuesday at 10:30 AM. According to reports, the rockets were fired from an area in central Gaza that the IDF had left on Monday.


Minister Gideon Saar (National Union) tweeted in response: “Greetings from reality. The goals have not yet been achieved. The war must not be stopped before the objectives are achieved. It is wrong to lower the military pressure. It should be increased.”

According to the IDF, some 100 rocket launchers were located in Beit Lahia in northern Gaza, and dozens of terrorists were eliminated.

The IDF also announced that the 36th Division has left the Strip, presumably to train for the next war, against Hezbollah in the north.

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