Photo Credit: Miriam Alster / Flash 90
President Joe Biden in Tel Aviv, October 18, 2023.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday night submitted to the political and security cabinet his proposal for the day after Hamas in Gaza. The document contains principles that reflect a broad public consensus of the goals of the war, including establishing a civilian alternative to the rule of the terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip.

The plan contradicts several key points in President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s ambitious plans for the same day after. Israel will carve out a wide swath of land along the Gaza border to establish a security zone, presumably to shoot any local Arab who dares to come near the fence. The Americans have insisted on several occasions that Israel is not to acquire any territory inside Gaza. Also: Israel will determine who does what in Gaza for the foreseeable future. Egypt, the US, the Arab states, and anyone else out there are welcome to lend a hand, but no one tells Israel what to do.



UNWRA will be expelled from Gaza, no ifs and buts. Israel will seek better agencies to care for the civilian population, the kind that doesn’t encourage terrorism, there must be some of those left.

Finally: no unilateral declarations of a Palestinian State, and no forced two-state solutions.

So, here’s how it works:

In the immediate future, the document sets the prerequisite condition required to determine that the “day after” has arrived: “The IDF will continue fighting the war until it attains its goals: destroying the military capabilities and government infrastructures of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad; returning the hostages; and permanently preventing a threat from the Gaza Strip.”

Aid trucks at the Kerem Shalom Gaza crossing, February 22, 2024. / Erik Marmor/Flash90



1. Israel will maintain operational freedom in the entire Gaza Strip, with no time limits, to prevent the renewal of terrorism and to quash threats from Gaza.
2. A security zone will be established inside the Gaza Strip in the territory bordering Israel, which will exist as long as it is needed.
3. Israel will establish a southern blockade on the Gaza-Egypt border, to prevent the re-intensification of terrorist elements in the Gaza Strip. The southern blockade will operate as much as possible in cooperation with Egypt and with the assistance of the US and will be based on measures to prevent smuggling from Egypt, both below and above ground, including at the Rafah crossing.
4. Israel will impose security control over the entire area west of the Jordan River, including in the Gaza envelope, to prevent the strengthening of terrorist elements in Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip, and to thwart threats from them toward Israel.
5. Complete demilitarization will be established in the Gaza Strip, except what is required to maintain public order. The responsibility for realizing this goal and overseeing its application in the foreseeable future is Israel’s.


1. Civilian management and responsibility for maintaining the public order will rely on local elements with managerial experience. These local elements will not be identified with terror-supporting countries or organizations, and will not receive their salaries from them.
2. An extensive deradicalization program will be promoted in all religious, educational, and welfare institutions in the Gaza Strip, relying as much as possible on the involvement and support of Arab states with experience in the deradicalization of their populations.
3. Israel will act to terminate UNRWA, whose employees were involved in the October 7 massacre’ and whose schools taught terrorism and the destruction of Israel. Israel will act to end UNRWA’s activities in the Strip, replacing it with responsible international welfare agencies.
4. The rehabilitation of the Strip will be possible only following the completion of the demilitarization and the start of the deradicalization process. The rehabilitation program will be carried out with financing and leadership from Israeli-approved states.


Basic rules for future settlement

1. Israel rejects outright international dictates regarding a permanent settlement with the Palestinians. Such an arrangement will be reached only through direct negotiations between the parties, without preconditions.
2. Israel will continue to oppose the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. Such recognition in the wake of the October 7 massacre would give a huge reward to unprecedented terrorism and prevent any future peace settlement.

Axios’ Barak Ravid on Friday cited a senior Netanyahu aide who said the goal of the declaration was to present principles that would get the broadest consensus possible but noted the consultations in the Cabinet will likely lead to changes before the policy is approved.

Ravid also noted that in contrast to Netanyahu’s prior remarks, the document does not explicitly exclude the Palestinian Authority from potential involvement in the administration of Gaza, although it also does not specifically reference the PA.

We couldn’t help but notice that the document also does not rule out the Jewish people’s return to Gaza either – something many people are now hoping for and openly discussing.

And now, we wait.

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