Photo Credit: Elad Malka
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant surrounded by Hamas weapons and ammunition that was picked up by the IDF Intelligence and Technical Spoils Collection Unit at the Julis base in the south, February 11, 2024.

Speaking at a display set up for the cabinet ministers on Sunday by the IDF Intelligence and Technical Spoils Collection Unit at the Julis base in the south, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant announced “We penetrated the most sensitive core of Hamas – their intelligence is now being used against them. The deepening of the operation brings us closer to a realistic deal for the return of additional hostages.”


“This morning, we are hosting the government meeting in the IDF, in the defense establishment, to show the ministers exactly how we are achieving and deepening our achievements and what is coming out of the Gaza Strip,” Gallant said.

“You can see a small part of the things here – missiles, charges, mines, a great many maps, means of communication, documents, computers, drives, all these things mean that the intelligence that the IDF relies on now is more than just intelligence.”

“We penetrated the heart of the most sensitive places of Hamas and are using their intelligence against them. Using their means of warfare and blowing them up in the field,” Gallant said.

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