Photo Credit: Matanya Tausig/FLASH90
Haifa, Northern Israel. January 14, 2023.

Sirens were activated in the Carmel area following the firing of rockets into the Haifa periphery. Hamas in Gaza announced that it had carried out the attack. Initially there were reports that the rocket had been launched by Hamas in Lebanon.

In addition, an alert was activated in Kibbutz Ma’yan Baruch in the Upper Galilee for fear of terrorist infiltration.


During the 2006 Second Lebanon War, Hezbollah began shelling the Israeli rear with mortar bombs and dozens of Grad 122 mm rockets (a.k.a. Katyushas). The rockets hit the settlements on the border and some reached as far as Tsfat. The day after the war broke out, Hezbollah attacked Haifa with long-distance rockets.

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