Photo Credit: Ma'aleh Ha'Yetzira
The road sign outside Anatot camp.

Israel canceled all work permits for thousands of Gazan workers, who were forced to remain on the Gaza side of the border fence. Several hundred who remained in Israel have been arrested and are detained in a prison camp near Jerusalem, al-Quds reported Sunday.

According to al-Quds, Gazan workers took refuge in PA cities after the outbreak of the war in the Gaza Strip. Some of them were arrested when they tried to escape to the PA. Hundreds of them are now housed in Anatot camp.


An Israeli security source told Haaretz that the Gazans will be held in detention until they are returned to the Gaza Strip. The source said, “It is not possible at present to return them to Gaza. The issue of their continued possession of permits and the transfer of others to another place is being studied by the political echelon.”

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