Photo Credit: KKL-JNF
Children relocated from Gaza Envelope community engaged in an activity organized by KKL-JNF at Ye’arim Hotel, October 2023.

KKL-JNF is providing immediate emergency assistance, some in cash and some based on anticipated donations from the US, of more than NIS 20 million ($5.02 million) for the benefit of emergency response teams, emergency equipment, mobile shelters, and the purchase of ambulances for the Gaza border communities as well as the evacuation of residents from the South to accommodation areas.

KKL-JNF has already begun assisting in the transfer of thousands of residents from the South to accommodation centers in central Israel, where activities that allow relief are taking place to help residents refresh after the difficult events.


The emergency assistance includes mobile shelters, generators, equipment for the communities’ emergency response teams, emergency perishable equipment, computing aids, and equipment for emergency response teams in communities located up to 4 kilometers from the border.

Additionally, KKL-JNF has launched a fundraising campaign in collaboration with global JNF organizations to gather donations for vital needs to strengthen the periphery in the south.

KKL-JNF Chairwoman Ifat Ovadia-Luski said: “We have worked to transfer thousands of residents from the South to a safe place for several days. This assistance is a Zionist national mission of utmost importance. Together, we will win!”

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