Photo Credit: Yossi Zeliger/Flash90
Israeli kids plant trees in Haifa on Tu Bishvat, February 9, 2017.

In response to the ongoing conflict and the pressing needs it has generated, the KKL-JNF has redirected its projects to allocate NIS 1.4 billion ($370 Million) toward support and recovery efforts, diverging from its originally intended purposes.

As hostilities erupted, the KKL-JNF board made a strategic decision to refocus the organization’s endeavors on the reconstruction of the Israeli home front. Subsequently, KKL-JNF engaged with the Israeli Ministry of Finance to amend an agreement inked in May of the current year between the organization and the government. The revision ensures that the funds provided by KKL-JNF are exclusively dedicated to addressing the emergent needs resulting from the conflict.


The funds will be distributed across various activities and projects, encompassing health initiatives such as fortifying hospitals, supplying emergency resources, reinforcing mental health centers, and hiring additional nursing and emergency personnel.

In the realm of education, funds will be channeled into establishing educational environments and daycares for evacuees, psychological services, and informal education. Agriculture will see emergency stock provisions, shielding for farmers, assistance programs, and incentives for workers. Welfare initiatives will involve relocating welfare facilities from the front lines to secure areas and providing support to welfare offices and the public. Employment programs for evacuees and daycare assistance will also be funded.

Moreover, a portion of the agreement, amounting to NIS 590 million ($156.1 million), will be directed toward bolstering Israeli society and economy. KKL-JNF will leverage its expertise in areas such as agricultural training, development in Druze towns, planning and development of villages, sewer drainage projects, as well as the preparation of agricultural and safety roads.

Ifat Ovadia Luski, Chair of KKL-JNF, expressed pride in spearheading the rehabilitation project for the Israeli home front. “Since the onset of the conflict, KKL-JNF has actively supported residents of the Gaza Envelope, evacuees, as well as the soldiers, police, and security forces,” Luski said and emphasized the crucial role KKL-JNF will play in rebuilding towns, housing, and establishing educational and welfare services for evacuees.

“The funds will also contribute to the safeguarding of hospitals and farms and the procurement of emergency and medical equipment. Luski affirmed KKL-JNF’s commitment to standing alongside authorities, residents, and security forces, underscoring the collaborative effort required to usher in better days for Israel,” she said.

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