Man of the Year 5784: Bezalel Smotrich, a Practical Ideologue Making Revolutionary Changes

Smotrich utilized his post in the Defense Ministry to revolutionize civilian life in Judea and Samaria.

Man of the Year 5783: Yinon Magal Who Crushed Israel’s Left-Wing Media’s Monopoly

He figured out how to tap into Israel’s silenced majority and gives them a voice. This genie is not going back into the bottle.

Man of the Year 5781: The Indefatigable MK Itamar Ben-Gvir

Last spring, MK Ben-Gvir was not a commentator on the news – he was the news.

Man of the Year 2020: Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Zayed

MBZ is committed to a counter-jihad while amassing a staggering wealth and constructing a formidable military and police force.

Man of the Year 5780: Jared Corey Kushner

This year’s choice came as a surprise to us as much as to anyone else, since the winner was not even in the running until a few short weeks ago – or was he?

Jewish Man and Woman of the Year 5777: Bezalel Smotrich and Ayelet Shaked

Both Smotrich and Shaked have shown their ability to mobilize considerable political might in the pursuit of their ideas


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