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Rebbetzin Simone Broide of the Boca Raton Synagogue–Chesed Benefits the Giver AND the Receiver

Rebbetzin Simone Broide of the Boca Raton Synagogue discusses a variety of chesed activities that can be done by people of all ages.

Chaya Mink-Benchemhoun: Be The Reason Someone Smiles Today-The Power of a Mitzvah

Chaya Mink-Benchemhoun hosts incredible Torah classes on Zoom every Wednesday evening.

Yehoshua Hershkowitz, z’l 92, Passes Away

Mr. Hershkowitz, z'l was the founder of Tomche Shabbos.

ZAKA to Expand Service to Include Shiva Mourners

'We are currently running a fundraising campaign to purchase a ZAKA Chesed Truck.'

Colel Chabad Chanukah Program to Help 2,500 Severely Disabled Children

Colel Chabad is the longest continuously running charity in Israel, founded in 1788 by the first Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi.

Chesed Shel Emes On Scene At Florida Plane Crash

The all-volunteer Civil Air Patrol auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force found the downed RV-7 experimental plane partially submerged near Alligator Alley.

Chesed Shel Emes: Be Prepared

Failure to act in a timely manner can result in delayed release of the body, delayed burial, and other complications.

Chesed Shel Emes Florida Division Presents Shiva Services

Traditionally, the term chesed shel emes refers to the chesed (good deed) of taking care of those who have passed from life in this world. The niftar (deceased) cannot repay in any way. It is the ultimate form of benevolence.

MillionsforChesed Set to Raise Record $3M

This all-or-nothing multi-organization online fundraising event has raised more than $2.5M. All donations are quadrupled.

Kindness Makes Miracles (Continued from Last Week)

e are in a time of serious crisis and must go beyond our present levels of chesed.

On the Way to a Jewish State (Part 2)

Declaring sovereignty over the country is a necessary reaction to the revelation of Divine loving-kindness in our era.

‘Hurricane Season’

It’s been a rough few weeks. It began with the news of a heinous crime just blocks from where I live on Manhatan’s Upper West Side: a nanny viciously took the lives of her two young charges. Hurricane Sandy came next, contributing additional loss of life and financial devastation of a magnitude never before experienced by our East Coast brethren.

In Memory Of My Abba, Dr. Ivan Mauer

Recently I went to a shiur on Yitzchak Avinu and found that it applied in many ways to my own father whose name was Yitzchak.

Two Years Ago – Two Very Special People

I have not done this before. I have never memorialized two of the closest people to me in one article. I gave it a lot of thought, and it is not just because they died within hours of each other two years ago that I decided to do this. It is also because there was a tremendous connection between them, and as I thought of each one I was overwhelmed by the similarities.

Thoughts On Hurricane Sandy

Usually, when I begin a speech, I start with something interesting, lighthearted or funny - to get your attention and lead into the speech itself. Permit me to deviate from that this week, because there is nothing funny, lighthearted or interesting about what so many of us are experiencing, and if not us, than our friends, loved ones and neighbors, and if not them, than people a few miles away from us in Long Beach or Far Rockaway who have lost everything to 14 foot waves, or a little farther away where helpless Senior Citizens are living without water or power in high rises on the Lower East Side.

The Anonymous Eliezer: A Tribute to Zev Wolfson, Z”L

"And the servant said to him…" (Genesis 24:5). The biblical portion of Chayei Sarah comprises two chapters in the Book of Genesis. The first (chapter 23) deals with the death and burial of Sarah and the second (chapter 24) deals with the selection of a suitable wife for Isaac.

So Many ‘Things’: A Personal Account of Hurricane Sandy

There it was, a backyard full of my basement furniture, and bags and bags of waterlogged papers.

When All Else Fails, Play Gin Rummy

He recognized me before I recognized him. We were in Yerushalayim on different sides of the street. He was six foot two waving and yelling my name. “Noach, Noach, Noach Schwartz, the social worker! It’s me Yechiel Klein! Don’t you remember me?” He was wearing a hat, white shirt and suit and looked like a regular bochur from the Mir or Brisk. He did not look like the Yechiel I had met ten years earlier at a clinic in Boro Park.

Keep Up The Good Work

Dear Dr. Yael: I feel extremely guilty about my elderly father and am filled with anger toward my sisters and brothers in regards to his care.

Our Holy Visitors

Sukkos comes to us as a beautifully wrapped gift from Hashem, right when we can use some pampering. Having just completed an exhaustive round of appeals to our Father in heaven to forgive our iniquities and grant us yet another chance to prove ourselves worthy of His beneficence and mercy, we emerge as newborns – clean and pure and free of the stain of sin.

Pleasure vs. Happiness In Marriage

If you would like to know if your marriage is relationship centered or not, the way to find out is to ask yourself about your core values. For example, what is the most important principle of your marriage? Is it your desire for money or pleasure? Do you dream about being comfortable, being honored by your spouse and having a lot of fun?

For Victims of Abuse – A Warm Embrace

In part the altered lives victims of abuse and molestation live are a result of the abuse itself. But it is in part also because of the unfortunate negative reaction to the victims by their own community.

‘I Want to Get Married Too!’

“Is it possible for my disabled child to get married?”

Look Out

I just finished trying on all my pre-nine day clothes. You know the drill: Wash your clothing but leave enough time to parade around in what will be worn for the next nine days. This way, it will not be freshly laundered. What amazes me is that each year I am sure it will be a very easy activity, since I have nothing to wear! Yet, somehow I find it very time-consuming.

The Alternate World Of Jewish Education

A major sociological characteristic and consequence of modernity is the tendency for people to join together in associations that express a common goal or interest or a shared experience. The United States has been a nation of joiners from day one and perhaps even before independence was declared. Alexis de Tocqueville described this tendency in Democracy in America, the epic prophetic work published a century and three-quarters ago.

Making The Most Out Of Life

Dear Dr. Yael: I am convinced that my mother is clinically depressed, but she refuses to seek help or even admit that she has this problem. Instead, she blames all of her sorrows on outside sources.

Overhauling Orthodox Education To Make Better Jews

I am in shock. A friend of mine was visiting the United States and his ride to the airport for his return flight to Israel fell through. At the last minute he needed to find a ride to a terminal that was 50 minutes away in order to catch a bus to New York City where he would then take a shuttle to the airport.

Caring For Our Parents: A Child’s Hardest Job

They say that one mother can take care of five children, but five children cannot take care of one mother. One of the most challenging situations, and perhaps the most unnatural, is when children need to take care of aging or infirm parents. Why is this so difficult and why do so many of us fail at caring for our parents when they need us most?

Important Moments In Becoming A Ba’al Teshuvah (Part I)

You don’t become a ba’al teshuvah overnight. There were many events in my life that contributed to the deepening of my religious commitment, including a party I attended with young, beautiful church members who tried to make me one of them, and how I met their “Jewish priest.” (I’ll discuss both experiences during the course of this continuing column.)


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/multimedia/radio/americas-top-rebbetzins/rebbetzin-simone-broide-of-the-boca-raton-synagogue-chesed-benefits-the-giver-and-the-receiver/2024/02/08/

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