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Tag: Divestment and Sanctions

Striking Australian Higher Education Union Calls for Ban on Visits to Israel, Rejects IHRA...

The motion was proposed by Fahad Ali, a boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) advocate.

UK to Ban Public Entities from Declaring Boycotts

Boycotts erode “community cohesion” and “overwhelmingly target Israel.”

America First Exposing Biden’s State Dept. $1 Million Grant Soliciting Attacks on Israel

“These activities and plans are part of the Biden Administration’s larger strategy to cripple Israel’s ability to defend herself."

New Study Shows Faculty-Driven BDS Is Fueling Campus Antisemitism

The study provides evidence that MESA’s likely adoption of academic BDS would be disastrous.

120 Entertainment Industry Leaders Condemn Boycott of Sydney Festival over Israeli Funding

"Their actions only further hostility and dampen hope for peace, which all of us so urgently desire."

BDS Enraged by Arab Museum’s ‘Collaboration with Israel’ in Exhibition on Jews in Muslim...

52 intellectuals claim that the IMA is "betraying its intellectual mission" by "normalizing" and "standardizing" cooperation with Israel.

Illinois Divests from Unilever over Ben & Jerry’s Israel Boycott

The unanimous vote by the 7-member Illinois Investment Policy Board followed a 90-day review.

Labor Minister Says Not Every BDS Action Is Necessarily Antisemitic – He’s Wrong

BDS leader Omar Barghouti opposes a Palestinian State alongside the State of Israel. He doesn't want the State of Israel there at all.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman in Trouble with Democratic Socialists of America over Supporting Israel

Thank God for the DSA, maybe there's hope for the GOP to take back both houses next November?

Palestinian Human Rights Activist Suing Unilever over Boycott of Israel

"Such boycotts as this will only result in increased economic hardships for actual Palestinians, such as myself."

Popular News Show’s Arabic Spinoff Hits Snag: Host Called IDF Soldiers ‘Nazis’

Rami Younis deserves to lose his show, or spend some town in a reeducation camp where fairness and liberalism are taught as compulsory subjects.

79 Groups Urge Virginia Tech to Protect Jewish Students after Graduate Senate Approves Pro-BDS...

Virginia Tech’s Graduate and Professional Student Senate members implement the academic boycott on campus and in their own classrooms.

Nikki Haley Attacks AIPAC for Taking Bipartisanship Too Far

“Why do they invite politicians to their conference who strongly support the Iran nuclear deal?"

NY State’s Pension Fund Dropping Unilever over Ben & Jerry’s Settlements Boycott

The state pension fund's shares in Unilever were valued last September at $103.6 million.

Don’t Mess with Jersey: Garden State Divesting from Unilever over Ben & Jerry’s Settlements...

Unilever North America, which is based in Englewood Cliffs, NJ, has 90 days to appeal the decision.

Ed Asner Who Created the Legendary Lou Grant Dead at 91

In April 2017, Asner announced that he no longer supports the BDS movement.

Holocaust Survivors Urge California Legislators to Oppose Ethnic Studies Bill

Several web pages published under the heading “Preparing to Teach Palestine: A Toolkit” suggest the LESMC curriculum will be even more politicized, divisive, and antisemitic than its predecessor.

And Now for Something Completely Different: Anti-Semite Wants to Stop Jews from Making Aliyah

She stood outside the home of a Jewish family that was in the process of making aliyah. Listen to what she had to say...

Senators Rubio, Cotton, Introduce Bill Banning Country-of-Origin Labels

“Left-wing activists abuse country-of-origin labels in order to stigmatize products made in Israel.”

Illinois, Arizona, Take Steps to Reverse Ben & Jerry’s Israel Boycott

"There is a name for people who don’t want to do business with Jews, and the name is anti-Semite."

Ben & Jerry’s Graphic Designer Quits after 21 Years over Boycott, Texas & Oklahoma...

Israel’s ambassador to the US asked 35 US governors to enforce their states' laws which make it a crime to support the BDS.

Dozens Quit CUNY Faculty Union over Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel Resolution

Eugene M. Chudnovsky, Distinguished Professor of Physics at Lehman College and the Graduate School of CUNY, took offense at calling Israel “a settler-colonial state.”

In US, Campaign Ignited to Revoke Ben & Jerry’s KOF-K Kosher Certification

Vermonters for Justice in Palestine called on Ben & Jerry’s to go all the way in erasing Israel from the map.

Ben & Jerry’s Israel: We Refused to Obey their Boycott, So They Won’t Renew...

"We do not accept the demand of Unilever and Ben & Jerry's Global."

Idaho Republican Still Standing between Ramallah and Biden’s Promised $50 Million

Senator Risch is one of those dyed in the wool American friends of Israel who are occasionally angrier than Israelis and Jews are over the offenses directed at them.

ZOA Wins Vote on Expulsion from Boston JCRC

The petition criticized Mort Klein’s rhetoric on Black Lives Matter, George Soros, Barack Obama, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar.

Biden to Appoint Former Human Rights Watch Official Sarah Margon to Senior State Dept....

Margon is an outspoken critic of authoritarian allies of the United States, and has had a testy relationship with Netanyahu's government as well.

Spanish Local Elections Feature Far-Left Anti-Semitic Pro-Arab Contenders

The Unidas Podemos and Más Madrid parties, as well as presidential candidate Pablo Iglesias, have a history of anti-Jewish, anti-Israel action and rhetoric.

Report: Contemporary Progressive Discourse Generates New Strain of Anti-Semitism

A new policy paper by the Reut Institute, commissioned by the Julis Foundation for Multi-Disciplinary Thinking, suggests that a new strain of anti-Semitism is...


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/global/australia-new-zealand-oceania/striking-australian-higher-education-union-calls-for-ban-on-visits-to-israel-rejects-ihra-definition-of-antisemitism/2022/10/13/

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