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Tag: Gina Haspel

Iranian Centrifuge Facility Attacked by Drone, Was on Targets List Israel Submitted to Trump

The attack in Karaj took place just as the nuclear deal with Iran is about to be revived.

Trump Approved Military Strikes Against Iran Then Changed his Mind

Congressional leaders were briefed in the Situation Room. When they came out, Congressional Democrats urged the president to ask Congress for authorization for military action.

Trump Fires Tillerson

As a result, CIA deputy director Gina Haspel will become the first woman to be nominated to become the director of the CIA, and Pompeo’s successor.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/us-news/iranian-centrifuge-facility-attacked-by-drone-was-on-targets-list-israel-submitted-to-trump/2021/06/24/

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