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Tag: Salam Fayyad

They’ve Learned Nothing: Ministers Support Salam Fayyad to Run Post-War Gaza

Salam Fayyad is behind the plan to expand the takeover of Judea and Samaria and create a "Palestinian" State.

Arabs Invade Area C with 100 Illegal Schools Israel Can’t Take Down

Sadly, the smart settlers in today's version of the story are Palestinians, and the dumb government are the Israelis.

Salam Fayyad Likely to Return to PA Premiership and Head Relations with Biden Administration

In Ramallah, it is said that it is not inconceivable that the Fayyad program to take over Judea and Samaria will return in full force and take center stage on the Palestinian Authority agenda.

Abbas Returning to Good Boy Tactics in Anticipation of Biden Presidency

This is what the Palestinian Authority can expect from the Biden-Harris administration.

Illegal Arab Neighborhood near Beitar Illit Established in Weeks under Coronavirus Cover

The slowdown in economic activity has led to a 30% cut in the activities of the Civil Administration inspectors, who are in charge of law enforcement in Judea and Samaria.

Street Theater: Regavim ‘Declares’ Palestinian State Using Highway Flags

The flags we planted will not determine the future of Judea and Samaria, but the tens of thousands of illegal buildings and tens of thousands of acres taken over by the PA will certainly determine the future of Area C.

Report: 28,000 Illegal Arab Structures Erected in Area C, Ushering Palestinian State

The Palestinian Authority with support from the European Union is creating facts on the ground across Israeli-controlled Area C with zeal and decisiveness reminiscent of the Zionist settlers of the 1930s and '40s.

Danger of the Century

JoeSettler believes the Deal of the Century plan is ambitious, complete fantasy, and will lead to an even worse conflict with an economically empowered enemy.

Report: Explosion of Billionaire’s Car a Warning to Not Run for PA President

A Palestinian Authority pharma billionaire whose car was targeted with a bomb two months ago was reportedly being warned not to attempt to succeed Mahmoud Abbas, according to Israel’s Channel 13 news.

Arab Media: Israel Demolished Illegal EU Structures South of Hebron

Ironically enough, no such EU structures bearing the EU flag can be found in areas A or B, nor anywhere else in Bedouin communities throughout the Middle East.

US Envoy to UN Nikki Haley Tells AIPAC, There’s a New Sheriff in Town...

"There are no freebies for the Palestinian Authority anymore," warned US envoy to the UN, Nikki Haley.

Netanyahu Quietly Dissing Livni’s UN Appointment

Sometimes a statement is all about what one does not say…

US Vetoes UN Appointment of PA Bigwig Because the PA Is Not a Country

'For too long the UN has been unfairly biased in favor of the Palestinian Authority to the detriment of our allies in Israel.'

‘Freedom of Speech’ Under Abbas-led Palestinian Authority

Two-thirds of the Palestinian Authority fears criticizing leader Mahmoud Abbas, according to the latest poll. Does he still represent the PA people?

Palestinians Unite to Preserve Corruption

Palestinian Arab Government corruption makes normal economic development virtually impossible.

Palestinian Authority’s New Prime Minister Refuses IDF Protection

Palestinian Authority’s New Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah has refused Israeli protection and insists he will travel as he pleases in “Area C,” which supposedly...

Palestinian Authority Finds Perfect Prime Minister

He knows how to deal with the West and will hopefully keep the money rolling in but cannot do anything and won’t try.

Abbas Replaces American-Backed Fayyad with Fatah Ally

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas finished off his latest swipe at the United States Sunday by appointing a professor, who is a member of...

Salam Fayyad and the ‘Major Blow’ to Peace

As prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, Fayyad was never involved in any of the peace talks with Israel.

US Efforts to Retain PA’s Fayyad May Have Finally Torpedoed Him

U.S. and similar EU efforts to retain Fayyad have instead worked to discredit him in the eyes of many Arab Palestinians.

Fayyad Hospitalized

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad was hospitalized on Monday after being feeling ill at his office in the Finance Ministry, which he temporarily...

Here Is What Obama Won’t See in Ramallah

President Barack Obama’s helicopter touched down in Ramallah Palestinian Authority headquarters shortly after 11 a.m. Thursday, preventing him from seeing the “unwelcome” signs that...

Abbas Mulls Getting Rid of Fayyad

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is thinking of getting rid of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and instead appointing an economist to form a new government,...

Where’s the Shame? U.S. Tax Dollars Funding Palestinian Fiscal Incompetence & Terror

In tough economic times, you make tough economic decisions. Unless you're the Palestinian Authority. Palestinians receive the highest levels of aid per capita, use it to fund terrorists in prison and at the same time rack up high debts, such as their NIS 700 million debt to the Israel Electric Company. The bulk of the aid comes from the U.S. and Europe.

Salam Fayyad, ‘The Moderate’?

If Fayyad does not want Palestinian children to mix with Israelis, why does he continue to live in an Arab neighborhood in Jerusalem that is under Israeli sovereignty? And why does he continue to meet with Israelis on different occasions? If, as his aides say, he despises Mahmoud Abbas and believes that he is leading the Palestinians toward the abyss, why doesn't he tell this to the president in his face?

Bibi, Can You Bomb Iran Already or Just Shut Up?

Israeli intelligence authorities need to assess the threats coming from Iran. This is not a public relations issue. Obama and the other world leaders can support or oppose our actions, but Israel will have to do what is best for the future and well-being of the Jewish State. No one else will do the heavy lifting for us. While we cannot diminish the possibility that Iran actually has the technology and the motivation to strike Israel, we also cannot afford to overlook other real and obvious threats to Israel.

PA-Hamas unity deadlocked

Despite PA President Abbas's claim of no differences anymore between Hamas and Fatah following a reconciliation meeting this week, it appears that Abbas overstated...

Hamas and Fatah reconcile

Following 2 hours of meetings today, Hamas and Fatah have agreed to reconcile, after violently parting ways in 2007.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/eye-on-palestine/fayyad-plan/theyve-learned-nothing-ministers-support-salam-fayyad-to-run-post-war-gaza/2024/07/25/

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