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Jewish Man Stabbed in Driveway of Upstate New York Home

The victim is in stable condition, and the Ramapo Police Department questioned and released a "possible suspect."

Jewish Woman Stabbed in France, Attacker Paints Swastika on Door

The woman was taken to a local emergency room and is not in a life-threatening condition.

Police Officer Hurt in Jerusalem Terror Attack

The terrorist was shot and neutralized by security personnel.

Terrorist Neutralized in Jerusalem-Gush Etzion’s Mizmoriya Checkpoint

The terrorist attempted to stab the Border Police at the checkpoint.

Terror Stabbing at Jerusalem’s Jaffa Gate

Two people have been wounded in the terror attack.

Security Footage of the Tel Aviv Terror Attack

Security camera footage showing the attack as it happened.

Hareidi Man Stabbed in Jerusalem

The police captured his attacker a short time later and it wasn't terror-related.

Israeli Man Murdered in Dubai

The 32-year-old man, a resident of Akko, was reportedly stabbed to death.

Israeli Wounded in Southern Hebron Hills Terror Attack

The terrorist was shot (apparently by his victim) and was killed.

Israeli Tourist Stabbed in Rome

Although initial indications seem to imply a robbery, police have not ruled out a religious and/or racist motive for the attack.

Man Stabbed near Bnei Brak

Police have posted a gag order on details of the attack.

Terror Attack on Bus in Gush Etzion

The terrorist got on the bus and stabbed the victim.

Rabbi Kills Terrorist in Old City of Jerusalem, 2 Wounded

The terrorist was shot and subsequently died of his wounds.

Attempted Terror Attack in Har Adar

A female terrorist was captured in Har Adar early Monday afternoon, in an attempted stabbing attack.

Petach Tikva Stabbing Now Believed to be Terror Attack

Initially thought to be a criminal incident, the police changed its line of investigation to include suspicions of terrorism.

Watch: CCTV Video of Old City Terror Attack

As can be seen in the CCTV video, the wounded policeman manages to collect himself and shoot and kill the terrorist.

Terrorist Shot during Stabbing Attempt at Qalandiya Crossing

The terrorist was taken to a Jerusalem hospital for treatment in serious condition.

Terror Attack on the Jerusalem Promenade

The terrorist was overpowered by a United Hatzalah EMT.

Two in One Day: Stabbing Attacks Foiled at Cave of Patriarchs in Hebron

No injuries and no damage was reported in either of the two attempted attacks.

Arab who Stabbed Gay Brother in Tel Aviv Still at Large

Some leftwing politicians claimed that the Arab-on-Arab stabbing was a result of the incitement of Jewish rabbis.

Terrorist Killed After Attempting to Stab IDF Soldier

The terrorist's knife was blocked by the soldier's ceramic vest.

Terror Stabbing Foiled in Kiryat Arba

The terrorist was shot and wounded by Israeli soldiers at the scene.

Terrorist Stabbing Attack Foiled at Qalandiya Crossing North of Jerusalem

The weapon was discovered during a routine search of the woman's belongings as she went through the checkpoint.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/us-news/ny/jewish-man-stabbed-in-driveway-of-upstate-new-york-home/2024/04/13/

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