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Tag: the Torah

An Unforgivable Sacrilege

Several days ago, Hebron's police chief showed up at the home of Rabbi Dov Lior, chief rabbi of Hebron and Kiryat Arba. The officer informed Rabbi Lior that an arrest warrant had been issued. Should the rabbi agree to be interrogated, the warrant would be cancelled. On the spot Rabbi Lior responded, telling him that such questioning represented a "disgrace to the honor of the Torah" and that he would not cooperate with such humiliation.

Moriah’s Illuminated Torah

Avner Moriah, the well-known Israeli artist, has illuminated the Book of Genesis. No small feat, he has conjured images for all the major narratives as well as alluding to other analogous stories throughout the Torah. He sees the first book of Torah as nothing less than "a poem," a minimalist text that yields an unending series of explorations of the mysteries and conundrums of the human condition. While this is hardly the first nor largest of his explorations of biblical and Jewish narrative, it is easily the most ambitious.

A Tale of Two Letters

Twenty rebbetzins in Israel recently issued a public call to Jewish women "not to engage in romantic connections with Arabs." The declaration followed in the wake of a number of cases where Jewish women either inadvertently or intentionally became involved with Arab men and suffered grievously as a result.

A Jewish Art Salon Exhibit

In many ways, it should be a no-brainer for readers of The Jewish Press to make the decision to visit the latest Jewish Art Salon exhibit, Seduced by the Sacred, or, if the trek to Hartford is prohibitive, to immerse themselves in the works online. After all, most readers of this publication are surely already seduced by the sacred - however problematic the definition of both terms may be - and, particularly if they are regular readers of this column, they will be intrigued by the question of new Jewish art.

The Sword In The Tongue (Conclusion)

In last week's column I published letters from two women who wrote about the terrible ordeal from which many of our people suffer. In the Torah, such an affliction is called "onas devarim" - verbal abuse. While we are all familiar with the prohibitions regarding lashon hara (gossip), the prohibitions regarding onas devarim are less known. In fact, most people are not even aware of them. The following is my response:

Landscapes for Humanity: Paintings by Batya F. Kuncman

The world is complicated. Surely it seems that Divine justice is elusive. God's role is frequently masked and our human situation is terribly fragile. Yet according to artist Batya F. Kuncman our condition is "most promising." Her optimistic artwork is designed to illuminate this shadowy nature of our existence and strives for clarity and ultimate closeness to God. In "Landscapes for Humanity," currently at the Philadelphia Museum of Jewish Art, images of infants are the tools she uses to explicate her belief.

Making Peace With The Date of Expiration

"And Avraham expired and died at a good age, mature and content and he was gathered to his people." (English translation of verse 8, chapter 25, Parshat Chayai Sarah in the Book of Genesis.)

Title: Noach: Stranded And Branded

Here is a volume about a man sublime, Absolutely, incontrovertibly outstanding in his time. A profound character study of ancestor Noach Rendered in syncopated and metered rhyme.

Title: Noach: Stranded And Branded

Here is a volume about a man sublime, Absolutely, incontrovertibly outstanding in his time. A profound character study of ancestor Noach Rendered in syncopated and metered rhyme.

Stretching The Rubber Band

The Torah is defined as flint, a hard stone that is sturdy and unbreakable. It is therefore ironic that the year 5770 saw the Torah stretched as a rubber band - with the extremes causing the fraying of the bonds of Torah and Klal Yisrael and with no respite in sight.

Emphasizing Honesty And Integrity During The Days Of Awe

Have you ever wondered why Avraham was the first patriarch of the Jewish people? Probably not; the reason is so obvious. We have grown up hearing the stories of the young boy Avram, who questioned the irrational idolatry of his time. We have followed him on his journey of discovery; how he investigated nature, science, each mode of worship - and logically arrived at the conclusion that there has to be One Omnipotent Creator responsible for our existence.

Anything But Your Grandmother’s Candle Sticks: Contemporary Judaica

A tallit with pastel-colored circular candies on the atarah (literally crown, the top, embellished portion of the garment); a hand held golden bulldozer used to collect chametz on Passover; a mezuzah that shows the three letter name of God (shin, daled, yud, the Sustainer) on a computer keyboard above an "Enter" button, where the text of the mezuzah appears (in the typography of a Torah scroll) on the monitor.

Anything But Your Grandmother’s Candle Sticks: Contemporary Judaica

A tallit with pastel-colored circular candies on the atarah (literally crown, the top, embellished portion of the garment); a hand held golden bulldozer used to collect chametz on Passover; a mezuzah that shows the three letter name of God (shin, daled, yud, the Sustainer) on a computer keyboard above an "Enter" button, where the text of the mezuzah appears (in the typography of a Torah scroll) on the monitor.

Title: Crown of Aleppo: The Mystery of the Oldest Hebrew Bible Codex

The Jewish people are known as the "people of the book," and over the centuries it has sacrificed much not only to live by that book, the Torah, but to maintain the integrity of its text as well.

Title: Crown of Aleppo: The Mystery of the Oldest Hebrew Bible Codex

The Jewish people are known as the "people of the book," and over the centuries it has sacrificed much not only to live by that book, the Torah, but to maintain the integrity of its text as well.

Title: Women at the Crossroads: A Woman’s Perspective on the Weekly Torah Portion

Over 30 years ago, Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum had not yet found the world of wisdom in the Torah.

Title: Women at the Crossroads: A Woman’s Perspective on the Weekly Torah Portion

Over 30 years ago, Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum had not yet found the world of wisdom in the Torah.

Overcoming Catastrophe

How did we survive? Can you imagine that day? The First Temple: never had there been a more perfect society. An entire people dedicated to the service of God. Dignitaries from the four corners of the world came to witness the glory of the Kingdom of David and the shining Temple on the Hills of Yerushalayim.

Torah Made Easy – Just Be A Mentch

In my previous column I noted how the great sage Hillel, when asked to teach the entire Torah in the time it took for a man to stand on one leg, stated without hesitation that people should not do to others what they wouldn't want done to them - and that the rest was commentary on that point.

Is It Really PR? (Conclusion)

In last week's column I wrote about world condemnation of Israel and, once again, she is being ostracized. This time it's because of the Flotilla fiasco. She is even castigated by her loyal friends, including Jews, for her inept PR. Even if Israel had the most brilliant, eloquent, and articulate representatives speaking on her behalf, she would still be demonized.

Title: Joyous Torah Treasures

In Joyous Torah Treasures, an enjoyable collection of essays on the weekly sidrah, Dr. Sam Friedman provides a smorgasbord presentation of observations and analysis, ranging from classical to modern, on many of the most talked about discussions on each and every parshah.

When Great Men Fall

Soap opera-like debacles have stunned, stupefied, and dismayed our community. We have witnessed a prime minister, governors, and men of stature plummet to the depths of scandal and ignominy. Especially disconcerting and the epitome of paradox is when revered men, charged to exemplify God's Word, purportedly disgrace His Word instead. Why do great men fall?

How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Work For You

What is the Law of Attraction? According to David Steele, the founder of the Relationship Coaching Institute, is simply this: Be the partner that you are seeking. Live your life authentically and consciously, knowing the more you express who you really are, the easier it will be to attract a partner who will love you because of who you are, instead of in spite of it.

How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Work For You

What is the Law of Attraction? According to David Steele, the founder of the Relationship Coaching Institute, is simply this: Be the partner that you are seeking. Live your life authentically and consciously, knowing the more you express who you really are, the easier it will be to attract a partner who will love you because of who you are, instead of in spite of it.

Why Can’t I Get Married? (Part Five)

As promised, I will now try to offer some recommendations on how to find "Mr./Ms. Right." Some years ago, an attractive young non-observant woman whom I shall refer to as "Kelly" came to consult me regarding a shidduch.

L.I. Community Dedicates Torah In Memory Of Young Boy

More than 500 people dedicated a new Torah scroll in the Long Island town of Woodmere, N.Y., last Sunday, a little more than one year after the sudden passing of a nine-year-old sent shock waves through the tight-knit Jewish community.

Majzner’s Illuminated Torah

For the Jewish artist the desire to illuminate a Torah is an irresistible act of devotion, an offering to Hashem as precious as any sacrifice imaginable. Each parsha is etched into the Jewish consciousness as a calendar for the year, changing weekly, subject, tone and atmosphere. From the primal drama of Lech Lecha to the national transformation of Yisro, and beyond to Moshe's tragic death on the eve of our long sought homecoming, the weekly portion celebrates and delineates God's complex relationship to His beloved. Illuminating the Torah parsha by parsha is the artist's ultimate amidah.

Title: Torah Our Treasure

Femo clay figures adorn the lap-sized pictures of a Torah-in-the-making as many goals are met in one book. Torah Our Treasure holds simply explained realities about the entire Torah-making process, insights about safrut, and builds upon the excitement of making a hachnassat sefer Torah, all in the context of an imaginary folktale. The educational hitorerut comes together to satisfy childish curiosity as it promotes a growing appreciation for the halachic heritage of the Torah-loving world.

A Torah Perspective On Educating Our Children About Sexuality (Part X)

As we have been discussing, it is essential for parents to take an active role in teaching their children Torah ideas in regards to sexuality and modesty.

God’s Country

Approximately 1,000 years after the destruction of the Second Temple and Israel's exile from its homeland - deep in the depths of the harsh exile and 1,000 years before the beginning of the return to Zion - the great Torah commentator Rashi opens his monumental commentary on the Torah with the question of the ownership of the Land of Israel. What with all the hardships and troubles facing European Jewry at the time, with the Land of Israel but a vague and distant memory, the most pressing problem demanding Rashi's attention is what we will answer the non-Jewish world when it will claim that we are robbers in our own land - usurping its ownership from the local Canaanites.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/an-unforgivable-sacrilege/2011/02/09/

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