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Tag: yeshiva

Where Did You Travel On Rosh Hashanah?

On the first day of this past Rosh Hashanah, I visited Milwaukee while my wife, Layala, traveled back to the shul of her youth in Brooklyn. When we met up later in the day for Yom Tov lunch at our Harrisburg, Pennsylvania home, we had a number of experiences to share with each other.

Midrash Shmuel’s Rosh Yeshiva Visits U.S.

Recently, I had the opportunity to meet Rabbi Binyomin Moskovits, rosh yeshiva of Midrash Shmuel in Jerusalem's Sha'arei Chesed neighborhood. Rabbi Moskovits was in New York to attend the marriage of a student. While here, he has also been meeting with alumni and current students.

Reception For Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva

Lakewood's Rosh Hayeshiva Rabbi Malkiel Kotler visited L.A. recently to attend the yearly reception for Beth Medrash Govoha (the Lakewood Yeshiva). Following an established tradition of 25 years, the family of Dr. Nechemia Abbott, a"h, hosted the annual gathering for the yeshiva.

Rav Aharon Schechter Visits L.A.

Rav Aharon Schechter (seated) speaking with Rabbi Summers and his son at a reception for Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin. (Photo credit: Arye D. Gordon)     Rav...

Rav Aharon Schechter Visits L.A.

Rav Aharon Schechter (seated) speaking with Rabbi Summers and his son at a reception for Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin. (Photo credit: Arye D. Gordon)     Rav...

Smoking – The ‘Kosher’ Way To Kill Yourself

Several weeks ago, a young husband and father wrote a letter to Dr. Yael Respler, columnist for The Jewish Press and a psychotherapist, asking for advice on how to stop smoking. He mentioned that his father, a heavy smoker had died of lung cancer. The young man wrote that he loved his wife and children and hoped he'd be zoche to have a long life with them. His problem, "I am also a chain smoker since my time in yeshiva as a bochur."

Yeshiva Darchei Torah’s Chanukas Habayis

Yeshiva Darchei Torah is well known among institutions of Jewish education and has transformed the Far Rockaway/Five Towns community. The yeshiva's mission is that of integrating Torah learning with the development of good character traits, ethics, and mentshlichkeit.

When Children Fall Through The Cracks (Conclusion)

For several weeks now I have been running a series on the plight of parents whose children who have "fallen through the cracks" and the painful ramifications both suffer. I hope to conclude the discussion with this column.

When Children Fall Through The Cracks

Dear Rebbetzin Jungreis, As a regular follower of your columns, I am aware you are writing about your recent journeys that took you throughout the world on a mission to bring Torah to our people. I truly appreciate the importance of your work and have personally met many people who have become Jewishly committed after hearing you speak or reading your book. Nevertheless, may I be so presumptuous as to ask you to interrupt your series and respond to my letter, which is critically urgent?

Bad Old Times

Several readers took issue with the Monitor's statement last week that coverage of Israel by The New York Times, while still problematic on occasion, has improved markedly since Deborah Sontag left the paper's Jerusalem bureau nearly a decade ago.

YU, Koren Collaborate To Publish Torah

University presses often publish dense academic books that elicit little interest from the masses. Popular publishing houses sometimes take the opposite route, producing light, aesthetically-pleasing works that some people like calling "fluff." Join the two together, however, and one hopefully gets books that both nourish the soul and please the eye. Such is the nature of a recent collaboration between Yeshiva University Press and Maggid Books (an imprint of Koren Publishers Jerusalem).

Sowing Seeds Of Hope In Kfar Zeitim

Chaim grew up attending a serious yeshiva in Bnei Brak. Although he was of average intelligence, he was never able to concentrate during his long hours of Gemara study. His parents constantly pushed him to do better, even hiring expensive tutors to help him catch up. But it never seemed to work. He longed to express his abundant energy and creativity rather than keeping it bottled up inside. He needed a drastically different approach - one that fostered more than just book learning.

Shuttling Between Yeshiva And Recording Studio

Zevi Kaufman is not your typical singer/songwriter. While most singers find themselves in and out of the recording studio in the final weeks before the release of their album, Kaufman finds himself in and out of the Beis Medrash at Yerushalayim's Yeshivas Aderes Hatorah, where the 20-year-old Flatbush native is currently learning.

The Romanian Gaon

This article was written by Rabbi Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg, z"l, the Seridei Eish, about my grandfather, the Gaon Rabbi Bezalel Ze'ev Shafran, z"l, of Baku, Romania, author of She'elot U'tshuvot R'BAZ. He died on the 14th of Kislev 5690 (1930).

A Question Of Identity

My first visit to Israel in the summer of 1959 coincided to an extent with the trip by Rabbi Aharon Kotler, the great rosh yeshiva of Lakewood, who came to give shiurim at Yeshiva Eitz Chaim in Jerusalem and to campaign for Agudath Israel in the Knesset elections, as he had done previously in the decade.

‘Not Everyone Is Meant To Sit And Learn’: An Interview With Popular Blogger Rabbi...

Of blogs there is no shortage (roughly 130 million, in fact, according to the latest statistics). Good blogs that address contemporary issues relevant to the Orthodox Jewish world, however, are harder to come by. Emes Ve-Emunah - haemtza.blogspot.com - is one such blog.

Connect To Love

Question: My husband and I have been married 14 years, have 6 children, each one in a yeshiva and are so overwhelmed. Between shuttling the kids and homework, I feel like my marriage is non-existent. My husband tells me it's normal at this stage in our life but my mother tells me to do something about it. Where do I begin?

Crowning Our King

"I want a new me. But every year after Yom Kippur it seems the 'old' me is still here. After all those heartfelt prayers! The shofar blowing! Fasting! Crying! What happened to all my good intentions?"

Our Son Wants To Leave Yeshiva

Dear Rabbi Horowitz: We were taken aback when our 18-year-old son just called us from Eretz Yisrael (we live in Europe) and told us that he was coming home and wants to immediately go to work. He said that he is wasting his time in yeshiva, and just can't take it anymore. He said that he will "run away from home" if we don't allow him to go to work.

From Lakewood To Yeshiva University: An Interview With Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff

"From the age of 12," Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff told The Jewish Press in a recent interview, "I had one dream: to be a tzaddik, a gaon, and a melamed. I never became a tzaddik, I never became a gaon, but I did become a melamed, nodeh l'Hakadosh Baruch Hu."

Saying No To Newsweek

I've been reading Newsweek since 1975, when, as a yeshiva student in Israel, I subscribed in order to keep abreast of world events when otherwise not ensconced in the study of Torah. It's been three and a half decades, and my subscription, which lapses next month, will not be renewed. The reasons are reflective of the current state of American culture and mainstream journalism.

The Arrowsmith Program

If you have a learning disabled child I don't have to tell you about the myriad direct and indirect related challenges and associated frustrations. No doubt, you know them all too well.

Ready! Set! Go! : A New Paradigm for Shidduch Dating

One Jew. One lonely Jew. Our brother. Our sister. Our neighbor. Our friend. Frustrated. Bewildered. Alone.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/where-did-you-travel-on-rosh-hashanah/2011/11/02/

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