Word Prompt – SPRING – Chani Miller
Meteorologists would have you believe that spring starts on March 20 but they’re wrong, spring starts on the day that the Dairy Deluxe opens.
US Offering $10M Reward for Info on Hezbollah Financing Network
"Smuggled cash from Iran supports Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon."
Word Prompt – LUCK – Pesach Lattin
One Gemara says life, children, and parnassah are locked in by mazalot. Another says ein mazel l’Yisrael – Jews don’t do mazel. Which one is it?
“Wishful Thinking with No Connection to Reality”
The October 7th massacre has changed the thinking of a number of Israelis about the existential danger the Arab terrorist organizations pose to the Jewish State.
Happy 20th Anniversary Mahmoud Abbas
When the 89-year-old Palestinian Authority chief looks around him, he must be astonished at how the international community has acquiesced in his brutal dictatorship.
A Jimmy Carter Surprise: Didn’t Just Israel; Hated Jews
Carter was not simply a modern-day anti-Zionist—an ignorant idealogue who wrongly believed that Israeli counter-terrorism policies harmed the “human rights” of the Palestinian people. Carter was, in fact, a traditional, old-fashioned Christian Antisemite.
Word Prompt – MELT – Ann Mandelbaum
It is when I look out the window at all of the other menorahs do I find comfort that Judaism is alive, well, and flourishing and that our pride does not need to be hidden but rather, celebrated.
Is the UN’s Resolution on Jerusalem Hypocritical?
Many Jews and Israel supporters believe U.N. resolutions hold no real power over the city; they believe Divine sovereignty supersedes human governance.
Egypt Rejects Israel’s Call to Secure Rafah Border Against Hamas Smuggling
You probably thought it was Hamas making it difficult to reach a deal. Nope. It’s the honest broker, Egypt.
Airstrikes Take Out Multiple Syrian-Iranian Military Assets
Israeli forces carried out multiple airstrikes late Friday night into Saturday morning against weapons deliveries from Iran to Hezbollah.
Word Prompt – GRAY – Lenny Solomon
The first one who did Jewish song parodies was Mickey Katz. He was a vaudeville player who would sing in Yinglish. Sometimes Yiddish and sometimes English, but always with an accent.
A Jew Fights Back On Yom HaShoah
Ben said the protestors marched out of Hunter and around the Upper East Side in a snaky path…probably trying to avoid the police.
Why the Left United Around Hatred of Israel
Since Oct. 7, woke ideology brought together a diverse coalition of advocacy groups eager to stop the war on Hamas. The Democratic Party will never be the same.
Reflections From Har Hertzl: The Funeral Of Captain Daniel Perez
Every soldier and civilian is precious, and each death and funeral is painful, but Daniel’s hit home harder. He and his family, like me and mine, are olim. They made aliyah ten years ago from South Africa in order to join the Jewish people in Eretz Yisrael. Their connection now runs deeper. They join the many families who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our people and our land.
Canadian Parliament to Vote on ‘Official Recognition of State of Palestine’
“The one-sided recognition of a Palestinian state rewards Hamas – a listed terrorist organization by the Government of Canada – for its sadistic attack on October 7th."
Are Annuities A Good Investment?
Annuities have a bad reputation, and rightfully so. In my opinion, they are a jungle of high fees, moving parts, and lack of transparency. In short, they are not usually the best choice.
Hamas Fired Rocket at Soldiers From Within Khan Yunis Hospital
Hamas used hospitals and ambulances to hide operatives, launch military activity, transport members of terror squads and even a deliver a kidnapped Israeli soldier.
IDF: ‘We Abort Attacks When We See Unexpected Civilian Presence’
"We abort attacks when we see unexpected civilian presence. We choose the right munition for each target so it doesn't cause unnecessary damage."
Jews With Dads Being Held Hostage
We live in simply surreal times.
Palestinian Authority Joins Hamas, Declares Religious War on Jews
"Economic incentives feed the beast of terrorism, and Israel’s territorial concessions and political incentives have proven to be nothing less than suicidal.”
The Supreme Court Remembers the Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy for Its Keepers
et now, in an America whose culture and morality have decayed and rotted even further in so many once-unimaginable ways, we behold the paradox that the Court that Trump and Mitch McConnell helped solidify today stands as the bulwark protecting what is left of our national core
Beilinson’s Gay Pride Month Special: Male Couple Hospitalized in Maternity Ward while Surrogate Gives...
Must Beilinson Hospital spend its most scarce resources to create a make-believe birthing episode to feed same-sex couples’ fantasies?
How The West Sanctions Enemies: Floods Them with Rewards
Anything for a sale?
Yankel And Leah – Chapter Eighteen
Leah feigned tossing a coffee cup at him. Yankel was concerned that people should see this kallus rosh, this sweet lightheadedness between them. It wasn’t proper to be standing in front of the yeshiva talking in this way with Leah.
Dear Dr. Yael
Imagine that your mother-in-law is putting you down. You, in turn, find something to compliment her on and change the topic. There is a very good chance that your positivity, in response to your mother-in-law’s negativity, will completely surprise her and render her mute.
US-sponsored anti-Israel UN Security Council Statement – acumen
The US has sacrificed Middle East reality on the altar of wishful thinking
Hamas to Israel: ‘We Overthrew Your Government, and are Capable of Overthrowing Any Future...
Some highlights from the speech from Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, at today's rally, which marks 35 years since the founding of the terror organization.
Q & A: What’s In A Name? Name Changes Among The Patriarchs (Part I)
Question: We see numerous instances in Scripture where a person’s name was changed. Some people are then always referred to by their new name, while others are not. A case in point is the way we refer to our Patriarchs in the daily Shemoneh Esreh. Why is that so?
Abraham Goldman
Antisemitism in the United States is Back in Style – The Jay Shapiro Show...
Antisemitism in the United States is Back in Style