Behind the Headlines in Syria: The Human Cost of Change

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    Anderson Cooper went to Syria and the border refugee camps to talk to the people behind the headlines.

    CNNs Anderson Cooper travels to Syria to give the public a view inside the horrific painful process of fighting against a tyrant who will not let go of power and is using force to hang on at all costs.

    In the AP photo shown here, Syrian activist Hussam al-Dehni holds up an Arabic red banner that reads, “stop the killing, we want to build a homeland for all Syrians,” as he walks in downtown Damascus last month.  (Source: CSM, May 14, 2012)





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    Yocheved Seidman is co-producer of "The Yishai Fleisher Show" on Galey Yisrael and Chief Operating Officer of Kumah, an NGO dedicated to strengthening Jewish identity, Torah education, pride in the Jewish State, and knowledge of the history and heritage of Israel and the Jewish people.