Israel to Iran: Time Is Running Out

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    In this clip, CNN’s Erin Burnett reports on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s statements on Monday (during a speech at a Civil Service Commission ceremony) that world powers should not let Iran “push them around”.  Netanyahu’s statements were made as inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) met with Iranian officials in Tehran (read more here).

    Burnett discusses the current critical situation with two guests:  Joe Cirincione (President of the Ploughshares Fund, a public grant-making foundation focused on nuclear weapons policy and conflict resolution) and Hooman Majd (Iranian-American journalist, based in NYC with frequent travel to Iran, published widely on Iranian affairs in American media, previous advisor and translator for two Iranian presidents, Mohammad Khatami and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad).



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    Yocheved Seidman is co-producer of "The Yishai Fleisher Show" on Galey Yisrael and Chief Operating Officer of Kumah, an NGO dedicated to strengthening Jewish identity, Torah education, pride in the Jewish State, and knowledge of the history and heritage of Israel and the Jewish people.