Protestors At Lecture On Israel Refuse To Debate

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    This video clip shot by an independent videographer illustrates anti-Israel protestors using tactics that quell debate and attempt to put them in control of the dialogue on Israel and the Middle East.  This is not a silent vigil it is a lecture at an educational institution intended to provide a forum for discussion and debate.  Their taped mouths and unwillingness to debate in a civil manner in the public square combined with their disruption of the event (by walking out in the middle en masse) is emblematic of their view that only their ideas and concerns are relevant.  No rational argument, historical fact, or policy concept is interesting to them.  The tape indicates their presumption of moral superiority and symbolizes their view that debate is not needed because they are so obviously right in their own eyes.  The tape allows them to be self-righteous and self-serving at the same time.  They do not have to risk making their own case or trying to put together a convincing public statement.

    “News contributor and Middle East expert Erick Stackelbeck visits Portland State University to discuss Israel. Students United for Palestinian Equal Rights (S.U.P.E.R) and factions of other student groups such as the International Socialist Organization plan a silent protest. After Stackelbeck encourages them to stay for a Q&A and debate, they walk out in the middle of the presentation, and refuse to engage Stackelbeck or answer questions from the media, instead they hurl a couple of random insults.  To read more on this form of protest read here.”


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    Yocheved Seidman is co-producer of "The Yishai Fleisher Show" on Galey Yisrael and Chief Operating Officer of Kumah, an NGO dedicated to strengthening Jewish identity, Torah education, pride in the Jewish State, and knowledge of the history and heritage of Israel and the Jewish people.