Photo Credit: Yossi Zamir/Flash90
IDF units retreating from Lebanon, February, 1985.

There is a code of silence about what is being discussed in current Israeli Palestinian negotiations. However, possible disastrous results of those talks were reached almost nine years ago.

In March, 2005, Yuli Edelstein, then a deputy government minister and now the speaker of the Knesset, appeared at the Alon Shvut community center in Gush Etzion in which he reported to a stunned audience that the February 20, 2005 retreat decision of the Israeli government did not only apply to Katif and to four small Jewish communities in Samaria.


Edelstein warned that the February 20, 2005 Israeli government decision was to redraw the areas of Jewish residency in the almost all areas that Israel acquired in the 1967 war.

The new map, approved by the Israeli government, he said, was immediately posted on the web site of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, and is posted there to this day for all American government officials to peruse.

That Israeli government approved retreat map means that an additional 63 Jewish communities can be expelled and dismantled in their entirety by an Israeli government decision that has already been made.

Without any further government decision, the Israeli government is authorized to order the IDF to implement the next stages of the February 20, 2005 Israel government retreat decision

Prominent members of that Israeli government included Benyamin Netanyahu, now the prime minister of Israel, Tzippi Livni, then and now the Justice Minister of Israel, and Shimon Peres, now the president of Israel.

Jewish communities slated for destruction under the 2005 Israeli government decision are spread throughout Samaria, Judea, Hevron and the entire Jordan Valley, demarcated on the National Geographic Atlas as parts of the “west bank”, alluding to the west bank of the Jordan River

However, this Israeli government approved retreat map remains unknown in Israel.

It has never been posted by the Israeli government nor has this retreat map ever or discussed in the Israeli public domain – not in the media, not in the Knesset and not in the current Israeli government, for fear of massive public opposition.

That February 20th, 2005 retreat decision empowers the Israeli Security Establishment to implement surrender of almost all of Samaria, Judea, Hevron, and the entire Jordan Valley to an entity which remains in a state of war with the state and Israel.

In other words, the conclusion of current Israel Palestinian talks has already been reached.

Here is the Israel government approved retreat map which the government of Israel should share with the Israeli public, the Knesset, and the media.

Visit Behind the News in Israel.

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David Bedein is Bureau Chief of Israel Resource News Agency, presenting news items and analyses not often seen in your standard mainstream electronic or print media, even if you live in the Middle East. He is the Author of "Genesis of the Palestinian Authority", published in March 2017 and "Roadblock to Peace: How the UN Perpetuates the Arab-Israeli Conflict: UNRWA Policies Reconsidered", published in May, 2014.