Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Vol. LXV No. 20                                5774



New York City
May 16, 2014 – 16 Iyar 5774
7:46 p.m. NYC E.D.T.


Sabbath Ends: 8:56 p.m. NYC E.D.T.
Sabbath Ends: Rabbenu Tam 9:20 p.m. NYC E.D.T.
Weekly Reading: Bechukosai
Weekly Haftara: Hashem Uzzi (Jeremiah 16:19-17:14)
Daf Yomi: Rosh Hashanah 8
Mishna Yomit: Chulin 5:1-2
Halacha Yomit: Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayyim 374:4 – 375:2
Rambam Yomi: Hilchos Terumos  chap. 4-6
Earliest time for Tallis and Tefillin: 4:40 a.m. NYC E.D.T.
Sunrise: 5:38 a.m. NYC E.D.T.
Latest Kerias Shema: 9:15 a.m. NYC E.D.T.
Sunset: 8:07 p.m. NYC E.D.T.
Pirkei Avos: 4
Sefiras HaOmer: 31


This coming Motza’ei Shabbos and Sunday is Lag BaOmer – the 33rd day of the Omer – a break in the sorrowful period when we do not cut our hair or rejoice with music. On Lag BaOmer we may cut our hair and hold weddings and other celebrations with music. Being that Lag BaOmer falls on Sunday we may cut our hair today (Friday) in honor of the Shabbos. There are various minhagim regarding the exact length and time frame of this mourning period. See Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayyim 493, where these minhagim are clearly delineated.

        The following chapters of Tehillim are being recited by many congregations and Yeshivos for our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael: Chapter 83, 130, 142. –Y.K.

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Rabbi Yaakov Klass is Rav of K’hal Bnei Matisyahu in Flatbush; Torah Editor of The Jewish Press; and Presidium Chairman, Rabbinical Alliance of America/Igud HaRabbonim.